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BestAddress HTML Editor 2009 Professional 15.0.1 - Tạo Website

[ 2009-08-08 20:32:35 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Windows Sofware | BestAddress HTML Editor 2009 Professional 15.0.1 | 6.7 Mb

Hãy tạo một trang web đẹp thật dễ dàng với BestAdress HTML Editor của hãng Multimedia Australia. Bao gồm các công cụ tạo menu DHTML động, kiểm tra code, tô màu các cú pháp, tự động hoàn thành code, các chức năng FTP... cùng rất nhiều mẫu mã đẹp... Liệu chương trình này có xứng đáng có mặt trong thư viện phần mềm ưa thích của bạn chưa?
Create your websites with this multi-award-winning Web design and development software program, used by Web authors for over 7 years! With three editing mode options: visual editing (also known as WYSIWYG), code editing (HTML, CSS and PHP) and split-screen preview and code editing functionality - it's like having three HTML editors in one! Unlike many other HTML editors, the BestAddress HTML Editor even includes DigitalAccess FTP, so you can upload your files to the Web without needing to buy additional FTP software.

Design, upload and maintain your website with a huge range of easy to use functions, tutorials for beginners, free updates, integrated technical support contact capabilities, a dedicated Customer Benefits program and much more. With over 70 major features, many of which aren't found in other HTML editors, it's no surprise why the Best Address HTML Editor is the number one Web editing software choice for beginners and experts alike!

* Three HTML editors in one: visual editing (WYSIWYG - meaning "What You See Is What You Get"), code mode, and split-screen code and live preview.
* Templates included
* 12-chapter HTML tutorial for beginners
* Free technical support - even from within the software itself
* DigitalAccessTM FTP software included for uploading your website's files
* Site project capabilities
* Spell checking
* DHTML menu editor
* HTML code syntax checking
* HTML tags (HTML elements) and attributes are suggested as you code in the code editing mode
* Ability to open and save directly from the Web
* Image map editing
* Source code securing: helps prevent unauthorised code and design copying
* Mange tasks you need to complete with the to-do list
* Comprehensive help
* Regular software updates: we strive to provide our customers with more features than other HTML editors offer. We release regular free updates to give you access to the latest features.
* And over 70 other major features, many unique and not found in other HTML editors!

Home Page (http://anonymz.com/?http://www.mmaus.com/)

Letitbit (http://letitbit.net/download/0a1ef96622baf42/BestAddress.HTML.Editor.2009.Pro.v15.0_www.softarc hive.net.rar.html)

Uploading (http://uploading.com/files/LYZDLI37/BestAddress.HTML.Editor.2009.Pro.v15.0_www.softarc hive.net.rar.html)

RapidShare (http://rapidshare.com/files/239734149/BestAddress.HTML.Editor.2009.Pro.v15.0_www.softarc hive.net.rar)

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