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[English Study] - [Oxford - RS/MF] Window on Britain

[ 2009-07-26 14:31:35 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

A unique insight into British life and culture.
How can it be used?

* As a supplement to any beginner to pre-intermediate course for lower secondary students.
* As cultural background material.

Who is it for?

* Lower secondary students.

Key features

* Both videos in this series contain eight factual reports, introduced by a presenter.
* Window on Britain topics are: An introduction to Britain, Schools, Food, Home, Sport, Festivals, Pop, and London.
* Window On Britain 2 topics are: Work, Animals, Holidays, The Media, Leisure, The Environment, Health, and Law and Order.
* The reports combine factual information with some semi-dramatized scenes.
* At each level the video is supported by an Activity Book for students and a Video Guide for teachers.
* There is also a Window on Britain CD-ROM containing all the material in both the video and the support material, plus other features for classroom and individual use.

Window on Britain


Window on Britain 1

Unit 1: An Introduction to Britain
Present simple

Unit 2: Schools
Adverbs of frequency

Unit 3: Food

Unit 4: Homes
Collocations with have, make and do

Unit 5: Sport
Present continuous

Unit 6: Festivals
Question words

Unit 7: Pop
The future: going to / present continuous

Unit 8: London
Past simple

Window on Britain 2

Unit 1: Work
Review of tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, future with going to

Unit 2: Holidays
Countable / uncountable nouns

Unit 3: Animals
Comparatives / superlatives

Unit 4: Media
Future: will / going to

Unit 5: Leisure
Present perfect

Unit 6: Environment
Present perfect v. past simple

Unit 7: Health
Open conditionals

Unit 8: Law and order
Passives: present simple / past simple

Window on Britain topics are: An introduction to Britain, Schools, Food, Home, Sport, Festivals, Pop, and London.
Window On Britain 2 topics are: Work, Animals, Holidays, The Media, Leisure, The Environment, Health, and Law and Order.

pass for MF: 20062187


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