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ArcSoft - AIO 2009

[ 2009-07-10 09:18:46 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

An excellent collection that contains the program to work with graphics and video from the developer ArcSoft

Developer: ArcSoft, Inc.
Year: 2009
Language: English only
Tabletka: Present
Size: 916 Mb

System requirements:
Windows 2000/XP
Pentium IV, 1.2 Ghz or equivalent
150 MB free hard drive space for program installation
256 MB RAM (512 MB DDR RAM recommended)
16-bit color display at 800x600 (32 MB video memory with DirectX 3D support recommended)
DirectX 9 or above


3D Text Factory v1.0
utility that enables users of all levels to create dynamic, high-quality titles for the three-dimensional Web pages, video presentations and print materials.

Panorama Maker
The program for creating panoramas from separate images. The process can be fully automated, but if you want, you can compare the photos manually

PhotoStudio v5.5.0.61
a fully functional package for editing digital photos (so to say, mini-Photoshop). This package assembled a whole collection of tools for editing and retouching tools, coupled with the effects and the possibility of batch processing.

- Auto Enhance and Auto Red-eye Removal in one click
- Use macros and batch processing tools (All-at-once Enhancing)
- Support for layers
- Ability to fotoklonirovaniya detail, to remove stains, podtekov etc.
- Built fotobrauzer for viewing
- Convenient Tools Magnetic Lasso and Magic Cut for allocating and identifying details
- Ability to return at any step (99 steps Undo)
- Ability to insert 3D Text-a
- More than 40 special effects including: Oil Painting, Watercolor, Charcoal, Wet brush, Pastel, Impressionistic, Neon Edges, Bulge, Pinch, Stretch, Magic Mirror, Mosaic, Splash, Texture, Cool, Moonlight, Solarization, Exposure, Wind, Frost, , etc. - Ability to print the indexed folders and photo albums
- Support the format of Universal File Format (for printing or rassharivaniya resources)

Scan-n-Stitch Deluxe v1.1.9.9
designed for scanning large sized documents on a regular, A4-format, scanner. ArcSoft Scan-n-Stitch Deluxe automatically gather together a few fragments of large scanned document and provide the user with accurate, digital, a copy of the original. You can quickly and accurately convert to digital format printing large size (legal documents, albums with pictures, newspapers, magazines, etc.) using a standard Tablet scanner. Supports any Tablet scanners and multifunctional devices. Detailed instructions issued at each stage of the scanning process, greatly simplify the work with the annex. Available functions panning images and approximations selection preview. Supports the ability to download and save the scanned documents in formats JPG, BMP and TIF.

ShowBiz DVD v2.2.2.78
creates and edits the video

TotalMedia v3.0.0.91

Magic-I v3.0.0.16 - new version of software for working with Web cameras, has several good characteristics:
- Support for virtual drivers (video or image files directly from your hard drive);
- Effects (resize, distort, mirror effects, frames);
- The exchange of media files, video signal processing (saturation, brightness, and other basic optimization for the Internet);
- Teleconferencing;
- Video effects to video;
- Definition of a person;
- Gluing panoramas from digital images, and many others.

WebCam Companion
Digital video cameras have become common in households today. As a result, many video capture and editing software has been made available for users to create and edit home movies. Forgot to connect widely popular webcam, used for online video conversations, simple video creation, and a variety of other functions. Forgotten, that is until now. ArcSoft WebCam Companion ™ 2 offers a wide range of functions designed (intended) and optimized for use webcam. Is used to start (run), video chat client or automatically record movement detected by the device, WebCam Companion the most out of any webcam.

3D Text Factory v1.0
Panorama Maker
PhotoMontage 2000
PhotoStudio v5.5.0.61
Scan-n-Stitch Deluxe v1.1.9.9
ShowBiz DVD v2.2.2.78
TotalMedia v3.0.0.91
Magic-I v3.0.0.16
WebCam Companion


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