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Vit Registry Fix v9.4 - dọn dẹp... Registry miễn phí nhưng rất hiệu quả giúp máy tính chạy nhẹ nhàng

[ 2009-04-29 09:01:53 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Vit Registry Fix v9.4 | 2.17 MB

Vit Registry Fix is a powerful application for cleaning the registry of errors and outdated data. The program has a powerful tool for automatic scanning and removal of many different types of errors.

Vit Registry Fix is a powerful tool for automatic scanning and removal of many different types of errors. Users have the possibility of manual removal of keys from software sections. Also by using Vit Registry Fix, one can easily delete the recently opened files history on their Windows OS. In addition to cleaning the registry program can find and remove labels from incorrect references.

The program also comes with some separate programs: one for the optimization of physical damage and fix the registry files, one for removal of temporary/old files, a third for managing programs automatically loaded at startup and the fourth for a convenient and proper disposal of installed applications.

HOMEPAGE: http://www.vitsoft.org.ua/

Vit Registry Fix v9.4 (http://www.mediafire.com/?wjxb4ntzzvt)

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