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Sothink Quicker For Silverlight 3.0 Build 90107

[ 2009-09-03 01:34:17 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

othink Quicker For Silverlight v3.0 Build 90107 | 22Mb
Sothink Quicker for Silverlight is a professional Microsoft Silverlight animation creator for delivering the next generation of web experiences. It is easy to create stunning Silverlight animations. Make Silverlight animation the same way with Flash creation!

Sothink Quicker for Silverlight Features

Support Microsoft Silverlight V2.0.
A leading tool for making Silverlight animations.
Support creating various animations, such as Motion Tween animation, Guide Line animation and Frame by Frame animation.
Provide a full suite of drawing tools for you to create graphics and shapes.
Provide powerful shape editing functions.
Support importing SWF files or individual SWF elements, such as image, graphics and sound to create Silverlight animations.

Support importing & editing various formats of Sound, Image and Video.
Support exporting Microsoft Expression Blend Solution.
Support replacing symbol of instances.
Support writing script individually. In Sothink Quicker for Silverlight, the script is written by C# or JavaScript.
Support adding event handler method.
Support multi-bytes language text.


http://hotfile.com/links/11157033/2adf284/Silverlight.v3.0.Build.90107_www.softarchive.net.r ar.html

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