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Cogniview PDF2XL Enterprise Chuyển PDF sang Excell

[ 2009-08-26 08:12:25 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Cogniview PDF2XL Enterprise is designed to handle the conversion of data from PDF to Excel, from scanned PDFs to Excel or from any other application, screen or report to Excel. Whether your data is found in a native PDF, scanned PDF or in any enterprise application, PDF2XL Enterprise will instantly extract your data to Excel. PDF2XL Enterprise is designed for Excel users and is very easy to operate. If you know how to define a table in Excel you can get the data from your PDF documents, reports and screens into neatly formatted Excel sheets. PDF2XL combines the strengths of the IRIS professional OCR technology with PDF2XL’s data conversion capabilities

http://hotfile.com/dl/10713952/3620c6d/Cogniview.PDF2XL.Enterprise.v4.6.4.183.Incl.Keymak er-CORE.rar.html

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