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Axure RP Pro v5.5.0.1945

[ 2009-07-27 07:20:37 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Axure RP Pro v5.5.0.1945 | 54.9 MB

Axure RP Pro v5.5.0.1945 is a dedicated tool for prototyping web sites and web applications. It's based on concepts known from Visio and web design tools, and elegantly combines the best of the two worlds.

Interaction designers have suffered from the fact that there have been no decent software tools on the market dedicated to prototyping. Those of us who didn't stick with the pen, paper, scissor and glue stick method of paper prototyping, have had no other option but to use and adapt tools designed for other purposes, such as Visio, Dreamweaver, PowerPoint, and Photoshop.Axure have set out to change this. Their Axure RP Pro is a dedicated web prototyping tool. All it does is prototyping, and it does it quite well.


Mediafire.com :

Rapidshare.com :

Pass : www.YoDownload.NET

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