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ZC Software DVD Authoring Software 2009

[ 2009-07-27 07:20:37 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

ZC Software DVD Authoring Software 2009 | 90,8 MB

ZC Software was founded in Sep 2003. The company specializes in developing computer multimedia software such as DVD Creator, Video Converting tools, DVD Backup tools. At the present time, there are many senior tech members working for the company. Our team of senior tech members has designed a set of DVD transcoding technology and authoring technology that have outstanding performance and has licensed our SDK to many other studios and companys. Currently, we are trying to set up a special retail system and support network to give the best service to you. The company is constantly trying to expand into more forms of multimedia software for computers.

ZC DVD Creator Platinum 6.3.5
ZC DivX to DVD Creator 6.4.4
ZC RM RMVB to DVD Creator 2.1.7
ZC Video DVD Creator 2.1.7
ZC AVI to DVD Creator 2.1.7
ZC MPEG to DVD Burner 5.1.1
ZC WMV to DVD Burner 5.1.1

Rapidshare(90.84 MB) (http://rapidshare.com/files/207332749/zcplnmg.rar)
MediaFire (http://www.mediafire.com/?tba2mxyv223)

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