[English Study] - American Voices: How Dialects Differ from Coast to Coast (Giọng Mỹ)
[ 2009-07-26 10:57:05 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
American Voices: How Dialects Differ from Coast to Coast
Wiley-Blackwell | 2005 | English | 283 pages | PDF | 7,10 MB
“This is a terrific book! Its geographical and sociocultural coverage is impressively broad, and its contributors include the leading experts on each variety. Authoritative content, accessible writing, jazzy titles and copious photographs combine to make this a volume that linguistic professionals, college students, and the general public will find equally inviting.” John R. Rickford, Stanford University
“Walt Wolfram must be a very persuasive man. He and Ben Ward have persuaded some of the world’s greatest experts on North American varieties of English to appear between the same covers to create a state-of-the-art, but also extremely accessible and highly enjoyable, book on these fascinating dialects, their pasts, and their futures.” Peter Trudgill, University of Fribourg
Linguists sometimes talk about the need to make language issues more accessible to the general public; the editors of Language Magazine made it happen. It was a bold venture, premised on the assumption that many people were curious about language apart from the highly specialized field of linguistics. If the development and distribution of Language Magazine over the last several years is any indication, the assumption of interest was more than justified.
ONLY BOOK, NO AUDIO available!
http://www.filestock.ru/6829442148/American.Voices:How.Dialects Differ.from.Coast.to.Coast_doducluyen_reup.rar (http://www.filestock.ru/6829442148/American.Voices:How.Dialects%20Differ.from.Coast.t o.Coast_doducluyen_reup.rar)
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Wiley-Blackwell | 2005 | English | 283 pages | PDF | 7,10 MB
“This is a terrific book! Its geographical and sociocultural coverage is impressively broad, and its contributors include the leading experts on each variety. Authoritative content, accessible writing, jazzy titles and copious photographs combine to make this a volume that linguistic professionals, college students, and the general public will find equally inviting.” John R. Rickford, Stanford University
“Walt Wolfram must be a very persuasive man. He and Ben Ward have persuaded some of the world’s greatest experts on North American varieties of English to appear between the same covers to create a state-of-the-art, but also extremely accessible and highly enjoyable, book on these fascinating dialects, their pasts, and their futures.” Peter Trudgill, University of Fribourg
Linguists sometimes talk about the need to make language issues more accessible to the general public; the editors of Language Magazine made it happen. It was a bold venture, premised on the assumption that many people were curious about language apart from the highly specialized field of linguistics. If the development and distribution of Language Magazine over the last several years is any indication, the assumption of interest was more than justified.
ONLY BOOK, NO AUDIO available!
http://www.filestock.ru/6829442148/American.Voices:How.Dialects Differ.from.Coast.to.Coast_doducluyen_reup.rar (http://www.filestock.ru/6829442148/American.Voices:How.Dialects%20Differ.from.Coast.t o.Coast_doducluyen_reup.rar)
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