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CS-Cart v2.0.3 Nulled By sikvdila

[ 2009-05-22 08:37:59 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

CS-Cart is an "out of the box" ecommerce solution, with easy to use functionality that allows you to immediately start to sell online, ranging from a one-product shop to a fully-featured online store.

CS-Cart is designed for ease of use and flexible customizations, to meet all your needs. Your store will be using the latest ecommerce innovations, like one-page checkout, and a highly flexible sales promotion engine, to allow novice users to manage your online store and increase sales.
CS-Cart - Robust Ecommerce Shopping Cart

* CS-Cart is the complete ecommerce solution, oriented for any size business. Our shopping cart software can be effectively used both by those who just began their ecommerce business and by representatives of medium and large businesses.
* CS-Cart is the perfect ecommerce software for web-developers, it is very flexible and easily modified for your needs. Using our software, you will receive a complete copy of our source code and SQL tables for MySQL database, so you can extend or customize for your needs.
* 6 alternative skins (templates) are included with the software. You can easily choose the most appropriate one and start your ecommerce store right away. CS-Cart provides fast and easy integration of our templates for a person without any programming skills. Our software can be easily integrated into existing website.
* CS-Cart is very easy software to install. It does not require any additional knowledge to begin. Installation is handled by a web-based, step-by-step, easy to follow wizard that will take minimum time to get your store up and running.
* Buying our ecommerce software you also get one month of free technical support from our top-notch support team. If needed, our custom development can customize our software according to your specifications and perfectly fit the structure to your business.
* CS-Cart is a marketing dream, it is SEO-friendly and provides useful built-in functions, such as an affiliate system, a promotions engine, the ability to market gift certificates, and much, much more.
* CS-Cart supports a majority of payment types and payment gateways.

CS-Cart 2.0 features list:

1. New design of the admin panel, more usable and user-friendly
2. Global actions over products - price update, quantity update, image regeneration
3. Product features - ability to group product features, more user-friendly addition
4. Filters by product features and standard fields (price, etc.)
5. Promotions - extended, ability to create a variety of promotions with flexible conditions and bonuses
6. Localization - ability to group categories/products/pages, etc. by user location
7. Logs - extended list of actions, ability to search the logged actions
8. Design mode - inline-editing of language variables (admin panel/customer area) and templates (customer area)
9. Top menu - ability to configure top menu for the customer area
10. Pages - ability to create 4 types of pages - standard page, link, form and poll
11. Tags - ability to tag pages and products
12. Newsletters - ability to group newsletters into mailing lists and create campaigns
13. Store locator - ability to manage a list of phisical store locations
14. Attachments - ability to attach files to products
15. Downloadable products - extended, ability to define preview, different methods of activation after the purchase
16. Required products - ability to define products that are necessary to buy in addition to the main one
17. SMS notifications - notifications of the orders through SMS
18. Webmail - built-in web-based mail client
19. Block manager - used for managing blocks for the customer area
20. Web-based upgrade center
21. New API to extend standard functionality
22. Caching

Admin Demo: Admin Demo (http://demo.cs-cart.com/admin.php?dispatch=auth.login_form&return_url=admin.php) (Admin User And Pass Are: admin)

Site Demo: Site Demo
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