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Aptana Studio Professional

[ 2009-04-29 10:08:14 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Aptana Studio Professional | 129 MB

Why are Web developers world-wide choosing Aptana Studio? They've discovered that Aptana Studio offers unprecedented support for Ajax combined with today's popular Web platforms. Download Studio standalone or plug it into Eclipse to see for yourself. It's your choice.

Studio's support for Ajax is state-of-the-art providing savvy JavaScript code completion and debugging, HTML/CSS/JavaScript code assist, and support for all the leading Ajax libraries. Aptana Studio even provides code assist for any JavaScript in your page -- including your own!
PHP, Jaxer, Ruby on Rails, Python
Pick your platform. Studio provides built-in servers, code assist, page previews, debugging and more for PHP, Jaxer, Ruby on Rails, and Python.
Cloud Integration
Integration with the Cloud connects you to managed development, testing and staging services, plus scalable production environments for Jaxer, PHP, and soon Ruby on Rails and Python.
Streamlined Development Process
Aptana Studio simplifies the development process. The database perspective, variety of source control plug-ins, an integrated FTP client (SFTP and FTPS available in Studio Pro), and single-click browser previews for Firefox, IE and Safari all make life much easier.
Based on Eclipse
Aptana Studio is based on Eclipse. That means you can plug it into Eclipse itself, or other Eclipse-based IDEs. You can also run a standalone edition of Aptana Studio which bundles in Eclipse 3.2, so that you can then extend Studio with other Aptana plug-ins or other plug-ins for Eclipse.


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