Tracks Eraser Pro 7.8.1010
[ 2009-04-28 20:47:47 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Xóa mọi dấu vết duyệt web
Các tính năng :
Hỗ trợ Windows Vista
Xóa dấu vết duyệt web
Xóa dấu vết sử dụng Windows
Xóa bảo mật tập tin, không cho phép phục hồi
Hỗ trợ hơn 100 ứng dụng phổ biến
Hỗ trợ Mozilla FireFox
Hỗ trợ Internet Explorer 7 & 8
Hỗ trợ Apple Safari
Các thành phần tùy biến
Tŕnh xóa hoàn toàn tập tin
Xóa sạch dung lượng đĩa trống (dọn sách các tập tin đă xóa trước đó và không cho phục hồi, hỗ trợ cả ổ cứng di động)
Lên lịch xóa
Chế độ ẩn
Phím tắt kiểm soát toàn bộ hoạt động
hỗ trợ AOL 9
Hỗ trợ Outlook Express
Bảo vệ trang chủ
Xóa sạch Recycle Bin
Internet & Windows history Erasing Secure Erasing files beyond recovery Support over 100 popular applications Mozilla FireFox support Mozilla Thunderbird support Custom Items File Shredder Clean Disk Free Space (Wipe previously deleted files beyond recovery, now support removable disk) Scheduling Erasing Stealth Mode Boss Key AOL 9 support Outlook Express support Homepage Protection.
• Delete Address bar history of IE, Netscape, AOL, Opera
• Delete Cookies of IE, Netscape, AOL, Opera
• Delete Internet cache (temporary Internet files)
• Delete Internet history files
• Delete Internet search history
• Delete history of autocomplete
• Delete IE plugins (selectable)
• Delete index.dat file
• Delete history of start menu run box
• Delete history of start menu search box
• Delete windows temp files
• Delete history of open/save dialog box
• Empty recycle bin
With the free plugins of Tracks Eraser Pro, It can also delete history of up to 100 popular applications, it can
• Delete playlist history of Realplayer
• Delete RealOne playlist history
• Delete Media Player playlist history
• Delete playlist history of Divx Player
• Delete QuickTime playlist history
• Delete Microsoft Office recent files list
• Delete Winzip recent extract files list
• Delete Acrobat recent files list
• Delete history data of over 100 other popular applications
Tracks Eraser Pro's other great features includes:
• Secure Erasing overwrites the files a specified times with blank character, gives you the confidence that once erased by Tracks Eraser Pro, the files will be gone and no one can recover/undelete them.
• Custom Erase Item you can choose to erase your own files and registry
• Homepage Protection prevent the websites from modifying your homepage
• Boss Key you can hide the opened browser's windows when other come in
• Free up valuable hard-drive space it can free up a lot of disk space used by the cache and temp files
• Clean Free Space Clean the free space of hard disk by overwriting every bytes of the free space with blank characters. this makes the deleted history files unrecoverable.
Schedule Erase You can start an erase on windows startup/shutdown, or browser's shutdown, and even a specified interval you chose. see more
• File Shredder With it, you can shred files easily, it overwrites files with blank characters several times (you choose), this prevents others from recovering your files.
• Stealth Mode It can run in the background silently, no one except you know it's working and protecting your privacy
• Test Mode you can see what kind of history will be deleted before they are really deleted
• Live Update You will be notified once a new version or new plugins are available for download. you can download the new version or new plugins directly in the program.
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP compatible
IE/Firefox/Netscape/AOL/Opera/MSN compatible
Size: 2.3 MB
Bài Viết Ngẫu Nhiên:
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Các tính năng :
Hỗ trợ Windows Vista
Xóa dấu vết duyệt web
Xóa dấu vết sử dụng Windows
Xóa bảo mật tập tin, không cho phép phục hồi
Hỗ trợ hơn 100 ứng dụng phổ biến
Hỗ trợ Mozilla FireFox
Hỗ trợ Internet Explorer 7 & 8
Hỗ trợ Apple Safari
Các thành phần tùy biến
Tŕnh xóa hoàn toàn tập tin
Xóa sạch dung lượng đĩa trống (dọn sách các tập tin đă xóa trước đó và không cho phục hồi, hỗ trợ cả ổ cứng di động)
Lên lịch xóa
Chế độ ẩn
Phím tắt kiểm soát toàn bộ hoạt động
hỗ trợ AOL 9
Hỗ trợ Outlook Express
Bảo vệ trang chủ
Xóa sạch Recycle Bin
Internet & Windows history Erasing Secure Erasing files beyond recovery Support over 100 popular applications Mozilla FireFox support Mozilla Thunderbird support Custom Items File Shredder Clean Disk Free Space (Wipe previously deleted files beyond recovery, now support removable disk) Scheduling Erasing Stealth Mode Boss Key AOL 9 support Outlook Express support Homepage Protection.
• Delete Address bar history of IE, Netscape, AOL, Opera
• Delete Cookies of IE, Netscape, AOL, Opera
• Delete Internet cache (temporary Internet files)
• Delete Internet history files
• Delete Internet search history
• Delete history of autocomplete
• Delete IE plugins (selectable)
• Delete index.dat file
• Delete history of start menu run box
• Delete history of start menu search box
• Delete windows temp files
• Delete history of open/save dialog box
• Empty recycle bin
With the free plugins of Tracks Eraser Pro, It can also delete history of up to 100 popular applications, it can
• Delete playlist history of Realplayer
• Delete RealOne playlist history
• Delete Media Player playlist history
• Delete playlist history of Divx Player
• Delete QuickTime playlist history
• Delete Microsoft Office recent files list
• Delete Winzip recent extract files list
• Delete Acrobat recent files list
• Delete history data of over 100 other popular applications
Tracks Eraser Pro's other great features includes:
• Secure Erasing overwrites the files a specified times with blank character, gives you the confidence that once erased by Tracks Eraser Pro, the files will be gone and no one can recover/undelete them.
• Custom Erase Item you can choose to erase your own files and registry
• Homepage Protection prevent the websites from modifying your homepage
• Boss Key you can hide the opened browser's windows when other come in
• Free up valuable hard-drive space it can free up a lot of disk space used by the cache and temp files
• Clean Free Space Clean the free space of hard disk by overwriting every bytes of the free space with blank characters. this makes the deleted history files unrecoverable.
Schedule Erase You can start an erase on windows startup/shutdown, or browser's shutdown, and even a specified interval you chose. see more
• File Shredder With it, you can shred files easily, it overwrites files with blank characters several times (you choose), this prevents others from recovering your files.
• Stealth Mode It can run in the background silently, no one except you know it's working and protecting your privacy
• Test Mode you can see what kind of history will be deleted before they are really deleted
• Live Update You will be notified once a new version or new plugins are available for download. you can download the new version or new plugins directly in the program.
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP compatible
IE/Firefox/Netscape/AOL/Opera/MSN compatible
Size: 2.3 MB
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