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Một tủ sách tin học khổng lồ (English ) PART.1

[ 2009-04-13 23:12:42 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

  • (Ebook) Hacking - Computers - Networking - TCPIP Network Administration - Oreilly.pdf
  • (Kernel) Windows Undocumented File Formats Source Code.zip
  • (MSPress) Writing Secure Code.pdf
  • (ebooK) - How To Keygens.pdf
  • (nearly)_Complete_Linux_Loadable_Kernel_Modules.html
  • 0072260858.Mcgraw-Hill Osborne Media.19 Deadly Sins of Software Security (Security One-off).chm
  • 011 xDash.pdf
  • 012 Natural Language Steganography.pdf
  • 013 The Art of Fingerprinting.pdf
  • 0131482092.Prentice Hall Ptr.Solaris(TM) Internals- Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture (2nd Edition) (Solaris Series).chm
  • 014 Feuriges Hacken.pdf
  • 015 Sicherheit bei VoIP-Systemen.pdf
  • 016 Phishing the Web.pdf
  • 017 Next Generation Peer to Peer Systems.pdf
  • 019 Verdeckte Netzwerkanalyse.pdf
  • 0201549794.Addison-Wesley Professional.The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System (Unix and Open Systems Series.).pdf
  • 023 Ciphire Mail.pdf
  • 026 SAP R3 Protocol Reverse Engineering.pdf
  • 027 Biometrie in Ausweisdokumenten.pdf
  • 029 Robocup.pdf
  • 037 GNOME Anwendungsentwicklung.pdf
  • 038 Free Software Usage in South America.pdf
  • 039 Squeak and Croquet.pdf
  • 040 Firewall Piercing.pdf
  • 040622-Securing-Mac-OS-X.pdf
  • 041 Einfuehrung in Kryptographische Methoden.pdf
  • 042 Cored Programming.pdf
  • 044 Machine Learning in Science and Engineering.pdf
  • 045 Internet Censorship in China.pdf
  • 046 Tollcollect.pdf
  • 047 Datamining the NSA.pdf
  • 049 Zufallszahlengeneratoren.pdf
  • 051 Recent features to OpenBSD-ntpd and bgpd.pdf
  • 052 Die Ueblichen Verdaechtigen.pdf
  • 053 Enforcing the GNU GPL.pdf
  • 055 CCC-Jahresrueckblick.pdf
  • 056 LiberTOS.pdf
  • 057 SUN Bloody Daft Solaris Mechanisms.pdf
  • 058 The Blinking Suspects.pdf
  • 059 Wikipedia Sociographics.pdf
  • 060 Digital Prosthetics.pdf
  • 062 Hacking EU funding for a FOSS project.pdf
  • 063 Edit This Page.pdf
  • 064 Trusted Computing.pdf
  • 066 Bluetooth Hacking.pdf
  • 067 Inside PDF.pdf
  • 068 NOC Overview.pdf
  • 070 Fnord-Jahresrueckblick.pdf
  • 072 The Reality of Network Address Translators.pdf
  • 077 Weird Programming 2.pdf
  • 078 Aspects of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.pdf
  • 079 AVG aint vector graphics.pdf
  • 080 USB-Unbekannter Serieller Bus.pdf
  • 081 Quantenmechanik fuer Nicht Physiker.pdf
  • 083 Quanteninformationstheorie fuer Nicht Physiker.pdf
  • 0849380340.AUERBACH.The Debugger's Handbook.pdf
  • 095 Security Nightmares 2005.pdf
  • 097 Das Literarische Code-Quartett.pdf
  • 098 Portable Software-Installation with pkg source.pdf
  • 099 GPL fuer Anfaenger.pdf
  • 1-1_copy.txt
  • 100 Anonymous communications.pdf
  • 101 XMPP - Jabber.pdf
  • 105 Honeypot Forensics.pdf
  • 107 Embedded Devices as an attack vector.pdf
  • 108 The Convergence of Anti-Counterfeiting and Computer Security.pdf
  • 109 Anti-Honeypot Techniques.pdf
  • 10threats.doc
  • 110 Applied Data Mining.pdf
  • 111 The Kernel Accelerator Device.pdf
  • 113 Automated Hacking via Google.pdf
  • 114 Der 2. Korb der Urheberrechtsnovelle.pdf
  • 115 The Fiasco Kernel.pdf
  • 117 Kampagne Fair Sharing.pdf
  • 118 Verified Fiasco.pdf
  • 120 Softwarepatente - Ruestzeug zur Debatte.pdf
  • 121 Black Ops of DNS.pdf
  • 122 Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights under German Private Law.pdf
  • 123 Gentoo Hardened.pdf
  • 125 Old Skewl Hacking Infra Red.pdf
  • 126 Apache Security.pdf
  • 127 Security Frameworks.pdf
  • 129 Die Propagandawueste des realen Krieges.pdf
  • 12ways_privacy.html
  • 130 Physical Security.pdf
  • 131 Learning OpenPGP by Example.pdf
  • 134 Secure Instant Messaging.pdf
  • 135 Voting Machine Technology.pdf
  • 136 Hacking Linux-Powered Devices.pdf
  • 137-byte-Linux-shellcode.txt
  • 140 A Fat Girls Intimate Perspective on Hacker Culture and Spaces.pdf
  • 146 Mehr Sicherheit fuer HostAP-WLANs.pdf
  • 147_Great_WinXP_Tips.rtf
  • 151 Side Channel Analysis of Smart Cards.pdf
  • 153 Suchmaschinenpolitik.pdf
  • 158 How to find anything on the web.pdf
  • 159 State of Emergent Democracy.pdf
  • 163 SPAM Workshop.pdf
  • 165 Softwarepatente - Der Tag danach.pdf
  • 168 Spampolitik.pdf
  • 176 Passive covert channels in the Linux kernel.pdf
  • 178 Humanoid Robots.pdf
  • 183 Tor.pdf
  • 187 Einfuehrung in die Rastersondenmikroskopie.pdf
  • 1931769494.A-List Publishing.Hacker Web Exploitation Uncovered.chm
  • 1931769508.A-List Publishing.Hacker Linux Uncovered.chm
  • 20011009-passive-os-detection.html
  • 207 Amateurfunk.pdf
  • 208 GameCube Hacking.pdf
  • 213 Haskell.pdf
  • 214 Kryptographie in Theorie und Praxis.pdf
  • 216 Hacking The Genome.pdf
  • 218 Practical MacOS X Insecurities.pdf
  • 21c3_Bluetooth_Hacking.pdf
  • 232 Positionsbezogene Ad-hoc Kollaboration ueber WLAN.pdf
  • 242 Weird Programming 1.pdf
  • 244 High Speed Computing with FPGAs.pdf
  • 246 RFID Technologie und Implikationen.pdf
  • 250 Lightning Talk-NetBSD Status Report.pdf
  • 253 Pixels want to be many.pdf
  • 255 Pixels want to talk.pdf
  • 2600.The.Hacker.Quarterly.Volume.22.Number.1.Spring.2005.pdf
  • 271 Hidden Data in Internet Published Documents.pdf
  • 272 Sicherheitsmanagement.pdf
  • 273 Crashkurs Mathematik am Beispiel Biometrie.pdf
  • 274 Praktische Anleitung zum Bau eines Radiosenders.pdf
  • 277 Das Programmiersystem Forth.pdf
  • 278 TKUeV-Das Ohr am Draht.pdf
  • 289 Mixing VJing and Post-Production.pdf
  • 301001ircfaq.html
  • 301101BufferOverflow.txt
  • 306 Ruby.pdf
  • 308 MD5 To Be Considered Harmful Someday.pdf
  • 310 Information-Wissen-Macht.pdf
  • 313 Biometrie als datenschutzrechtliches Problem.pdf
  • 31337_master1.htm
  • 315 Fight for your Right to Fileshare.pdf
  • 316 Bericht von den BigBrotherAwards.pdf
  • 317 Unsicherheit von Personal Firewalls.pdf
  • 55 Ways To Have Fun with GOOGLE.pdf
  • 640801_sheet.doc
  • 6_Managing Risk.pdf
  • 802.11b Firmware-Level Attacks.pdf
  • 95-98-local-hacking.txt
  • A Beginners Guide To Hacking Computer Systems.pdf
  • A Beginners Guide To Wireless Security.txt
  • A Complete Users Guide To Port Scanning.doc
  • A Novice's Guide To Hacking.txt
  • A Novice's Guide to Hacking 2004.txt
  • A Short HACKER SPEAK Glossary.txt
  • A simple TCP spoofing attack.txt
  • A-decompilation-of-the-Lovesan-MSBLAST-Worm.txt
  • A.LIST.Publishing.Hacker.Disassembling.Uncovered.eBook-LiB.chm
  • A.LIST.Publishing.Hacker.Disassembling.Uncovered.eBook-LiB.chm.1
  • AGPLNetFlowProbe.html
  • AIM-imageediting.txt
  • AIX_Security.pdf
  • ASPzusammenfassung.html
  • A_Buffer_Overflow_Study_-_Attacks_and_Defenses__2002_.pdf
  • A_Quick_Unix_Command_Reference_Guide.doc
  • Access-Users-Folders-xp-2k.txt
  • Accessing microsoft iis configurations remotely.pdf
  • Accessing the bindery files directly.txt
  • Accurate Real-Time Identification of IP Hijacking.pdf
  • Acts-tools.doc
  • Addison Wesley - Hack I.T. Security Through Penetration Testing.chm
  • Addison.Wesley,.Advanced.Programming.in.the.UNIX.Environment.(2005),.2Ed.BBL.LotB.chm
  • Addison.Wesley,.Software.Security.Building.Security.In.(2006).BBL.chm
  • Addison.Wesley.Advanced.Programming.In.The.Unix.Environment.(2005).2Ed.pdf
  • Addison.Wesley.Professional.Rootkits.Subverting.the.Windows.Kernel.chm
  • Addison.Wesley.Pub.Exploiting.Software.How.to.Break.Code.eBook-kB.pdf
  • Advanced Buffer Overflow.txt
  • Advanced_Attacks_Against_PocketPC_Phones.pdf
  • Almost Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Security (but.txt
  • An Architectural Overview of UNIX Network Security.htm
  • An Indepth Guide in Hacking UNIX and the concept of Basic Net.txt
  • An Introduction to Denial of Service.txt
  • An Introduction to the Computer Underground.txt
  • Analysis of Vulnerabilities in Internet Firewalls.pdf
  • Analyzing 0day Hacker Tools.pdf
  • AnalyzingLargeDDoSAttacksUsingMultipleData.pdf
  • Anti-Cracking_Tips_V2.0.html
  • Art.of.Software.Security.Assessment.chm
  • Assembling_a_Computer.ppt
  • Assembly-Language-banshee.htm
  • Assigning-passwords-to-folders-in-win-98-and-2000.txt
  • Astalavista-Group-Security-Newsletter-2.txt
  • Async-Blockreport-v1-0.txt
  • Attack of the 50ft Botnet.pdf
  • Auditing-Web-Site-Authentication-Part-Two.htm
  • Auditing-Web-Site-Authentication.html
  • Auerbach.Publications,.The.Security.Risk.Assessment.Handbook.(2005).DDU.LotB.pdf
  • BB-PLAN_TXT.txt
  • BBS Crashing Techniques.txt
  • BackLogo_270202.txt
  • Basic Networking.txt
  • Basic Transposition Ciphers.txt
  • Basics of Overflows.txt
  • Basics_On_How_To_Identify_A_Firewall.doc
  • Basicsecurity-win98.txt
  • Begginers Guide to Linux.txt
  • Beginners Guide to recovering your FTP Password.doc
  • Beginners-Guide-To-Cracking.txt
  • Beginners-Security-Guide.htm
  • Benchmarking Terminology for Firewall Performance.txt
  • Blind Injection in MySQL Databases.txt
  • Bluetooth Hacking.pdf
  • Botnets Proactive System Defense.ppt
  • BotnetsVehicleForOnlineCrime.pdf
  • Brief_intro_to_cryptography.pdf
  • Buffer-Overflow-german.html
  • Building HP-UX11 Bastion Hosts.txt
  • Bypassing Corporate Email Filtering.pdf
  • CASR-ACAT-PHP-TopSites-Vulnerability.txt
  • CD-Writing-HOWTO.txt
  • CERT Statistics.xls
  • CERT® Coordination Center Reports.html
  • CGIExplained.doc
  • CISSP Risk Management.pdf
  • COVER-1_TXT.txt
  • COVER-2_TXT.txt
  • CW.txt
  • Cable Modem Hacking How-to.pdf
  • CardersManaul.doc
  • Cellular Telephone Phreaking Phile Series VOL 1.txt
  • Ch 2-4 Microsoft Security Risk Management Guide.pdf
  • Changing-IP-Address---Astalavista-Group.htm
  • Characterization of P2P traffic in the Backbone.pdf
  • Cisco IOS Exploitation Techniques.pdf
  • Cisco wireless network security guide.pdf
  • Cisco.Press.Penetration.Testing.and.Network.Defense.Nov.2005.FIXED.eBook-DDU.chm
  • Cisco_IOS_from_an_Attacker's_Point_of_View.pdf
  • Code_Complete.A_Practical_Handbook_of_Software_Construction.2ndEditionDraft.McConnell.pdf
  • Columnists--Relax-It-Was-a-Honeypot.htm
  • CombatingSPAM.doc
  • Commercial Satellite Services and National Security .pdf
  • Compiling C and C++ in Linux systems.doc
  • CompleteGuideToComputers.txt
  • Compromise_Common_Hash_Algorithms.pdf
  • Computer Security Art And Science.chm
  • Computer_Vulnerability_March_9_2000_.pdf
  • Computercrime2002.txt
  • Conducting-a-Security-Audit-An-Introductory-Ov.htm
  • Copying-Copy-Protected-CDs.htm
  • Cplusplus-tutorial-banshee.htm
  • Cracking String Encryption in Java Obfuscated Bytecode.pdf
  • Cracking the Sam file.txt
  • Cracking the Universal Product Code.txt
  • Crackproof Your Software (2002).pdf
  • Cramsession CIW Security Professional.pdf
  • Cribbing_Perl_code.doc
  • Crypto Tutorial.rar
  • Cyber Security Database.xls
  • Cyber Security Matrix Computations.xls
  • Cyber Security Prediction Models[2].doc
  • Cyber-terrorism-overhyped.txt
  • CyberCash_Credit_Card_Protocol_Version_0.doc
  • CyberLaw 101 US Laws of Honeypot Deployments.pdf
  • Cyberwar_Strategy_and_Tactics.pdf
  • DHS Cyber Security Case.doc
  • DNS Amplification Attacks.pdf
  • DOM_Based_Cross_Site_Scripting.txt
  • DRDoS.pdf
  • Defeating IRC Bots on the Internal Network.pdf
  • Defeating Windows2k3 Stack Protection.pdf
  • Defeating microsoft windows 2003 stack protection.pdf
  • DefendingWifiAgainstDDoSAttacks.pdf
  • Demonstrating-ROI-for-Penetration-Testing-3.htm
  • Demonstrating-ROI-for-Penetration-Testing-Part-Two.htm
  • Demonstrating-ROI-for-Penetration-Testing-Part-one.htm
  • Demystifying Google Hacks.pdf
  • Demystifying Penetration Testing.pdf
  • Design For Building IPS Using Open Source Products.pdf
  • Detecting Peer-to-Peer Botnets.pdf
  • Detecting-SQL-Injection-in-Oracle.htm
  • DetectingMass-MailingWormInfectedHostsbyMiningDNSTrafficData.pdf
  • Dial-Out-Connection-in-FreeBSD.htm
  • Directory-URL.prediction.doc
  • Distributed Computing.pdf
  • DoD AntiTerrorism Standards for Buildings.pdf
  • DoS Information Document.pdf
  • DoS_attacks_by_NrAziz.txt
  • Drake's Phreaking Tutorial.txt
  • Dynamic-Honeypots.htm
  • Ebook - Tcpip Network Administration (O'Reilly).pdf
  • Ebook - Windows - Programming .NET Security.chm
  • Email-security-SSL3-1-TLS-1-0-deployment.html
  • EncryptionPrograms-C.txt
  • Enhancing IDS using Tiny Honeypot.pdf
  • Enhancing Web privacy and anonymity in the digital era.pdf
  • EthicsEssayAstalav.doc
  • Exploit _Stack_Overflows_-_Exploiting_default_seh_to_increase_stability.zip
  • Exploiting-Cisco-Systems.html
  • Exposing-the-Underground.html
  • Extended HTML Form Attack.pdf
  • FTPAttackCaseStudyPartI.html
  • FXPtutorial.txt
  • Fiber Optics Technicians Manual.pdf
  • Finding Vulnerabilities.txt
  • Fingerprinting Port 80 Attacks.txt
  • Fireall Analysis and Operation Methods.pdf
  • Fixingxp.txt
  • FootPrinting-Before-the-real-fun-begins.htm
  • Forensic-Log-Parsing-with-Microsofts-LogParser.htm
  • Forensically Unrecoverable HD Data Destruction.pdf
  • Forensics and SIM cards Overview.pdf
  • Formulating A Company Policy on Access to and Use and Disclos.txt
  • Free Speech in Cyberspace.txt
  • Free_Avs_password_pullermann.txt
  • GRE_sniffing.doc
  • Gary.Kasparov-Kasparov.Teaches.Chess.pdf
  • Gender Issues in Online Communications.txt
  • GettingAdmin.txt
  • Getting_started_with_SSH.html
  • Google Hacks.pdf
  • Government Computer Security Techniques.txt
  • Guatehack_ Hacking Windows Server 2003.doc
  • Guide to Hacking with sub7.doc
  • Guide-To-Using-Snort-For-Basic-Purposes.htm
  • HACK.txt
  • Hack Attacks Revealed- A Complete Reference with Custom Security Hacking Toolkit (Wiley-2001).pdf
  • Hackeando-o-RPC-do-Windows-por-RMP.doc
  • Hacker Digest Spring 2002.pdf
  • Hacker Digest Winter 2002.pdf
  • Hacker Test.txt
  • Hackers Beware (NewRiders -2002).pdf
  • Hackers Survival Guide.rtf
  • Hackerz_n_hacking_inside_out.doc
  • Hacking Databases.pdf
  • Hacking Databases.txt
  • Hacking Directv - Dss - Satellite Access Card Programming.pdf
  • Hacking Exposed- Network Security Secrets and Solutions (MCGraw-Hill-2001).pdf
  • Hacking Exposed- Network Security Secrets and Solutions.pdf
  • Hacking Exposed- Web Applications.pdf
  • Hacking For Dummies - Access To Other Peoples Systems Made Simple.pdf
  • Hacking For Newbies.doc
  • Hacking Guide3.1.pdf
  • Hacking Into Computer Systems - Beginners.pdf
  • Hacking P2P Users Tutorial.txt
  • Hacking Password Protected Website's.doc
  • Hacking TRW.txt
  • Hacking TYMNET.txt
  • Hacking Unix System V's.txt
  • Hacking VoiceMail Systems.txt
  • Hacking Wal-Mart Computers.txt
  • Hacking Webpages.txt
  • Hacking a Website Or Its Member Section.txt
  • Hacking for Dummies 2.doc
  • Hacking for Dummies Volume 2.doc
  • Hacking for Dummies.pdf
  • Hacking for Newbies tutorial.txt
  • Hacking the Hacker.pdf
  • Hacking-your-CMOS-BIOS.txt
  • HackingCreatingaXDCCBot.txt
  • Hacking_Installing_and_Using_Pubs_Thru_IIS-E-man.txt
  • Hackproofing MySQL.pdf
  • Hardening-the-TCP-IP-stack-to-SYN-attacks.htm
  • Hearing on HR 285 regarding the creation of an Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security.doc
  • HijackinICQAccounts.txt
  • Honeynet-Recent-Attacks-Review.htm
  • Honeypots-Are-They-Illegal.htm
  • Honeypots-Simple-Cost-Effective-Detection.htm
  • Honeypots_Definitions-and-value-of-honeypots.html
  • Honeywalldetection.pdf
  • How BT phone cards works.txt
  • How NAT Works.pdf
  • How Phone Phreaks are Caught.txt
  • How To Display An IP With PHP.txt
  • How To Hack Into PayPal Account!!!.txt
  • How To Read News Groups Semi-An.txt
  • [Sửa lần cuối bởi:bvl91, vào lúc 2009-04-13 23:41:00]

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