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onArcade 2.1.0 lastest

[ 2009-04-11 12:36:25 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Demo: http://www.onarcade.com/demosite

onArcade Demo

Main Site (http://www.onarcade.com/demosite/)
Username: admin
Password: admin123

Admin Panel (http://www.onarcade.com/demosite/admin/)
Username: admin
Password: admin123

Live sites using onArcade script:

onArcade.net (http://www.onarcade.net/)
GamesFort.net (http://www.gamesfort.net/)
WaaZoo (http://www.waazoo.com/)
Lahe.mobi (http://www.lahe.mobi/)
Joga Flash (http://www.jogaflash.com.br/)


onArcade Features

Powerful admin panel

No need to hire professional programmer to add games or change the background of your site, all can be done using onArcade 2 admin panel.
Play SWF and DCR games, videos and music

With onArcade 2 you can play anything from SWF to FLV and if you do not want to host files yourself you can just frame files on other sites.
Record top scores

onArcade makes playing games on your site fun because your members can compeat against eachother.
Comments and ratings

Comments and ratings are submitted using AJAX, so no need to refresh the whole page, it is also possible to use simple BB code tags like and similes.
Exchange links with other arcades

Getting traffic to your site is never easy, one good way of getting traffic is exchanging links with other arcades/sites. onArcade makes exchanging links easy, people can submit links using links submission form or you can add them through admin panel.
Membership system

Registered members can send private messages to other members, change avatar and update their profiles.
Search media

Visitors can use search feature to find games or videos they like.
Grab games or videos from other sites

Download files from other sites, even from YouTube, and add them to your site. Adding new games has never been this easy.

onArcade tracks statistics of game plays and members registered at your site.
RSS Feeds

onArcade generates RSS feeds of most popular and newest games, and news. onArcade also generates Google Sitemap that you can submit to Google to make sure that all of your files are being indexed.
Template and language system

Installing new template or langaue is easy - just upload langaue/template files and update settings in admin panel. You can also translate onArcade to most of the langauges just by translating few language files, no need to go through all PHP files and find text that needs to be translated.
Contact form

No need to post your email address on your site, visitors can contact you using secure contact form. No more spam!
Game Feed

Finding new games for your arcade is easy, just use Game Feed that is located in admin panel.
Pre-loaded with 1000 games

Having difficulties finding games for your arcade? No problem, you get 1000 cool flash games with onArcade script. Requirements

PHP 4.3+ (PHP 5 recommended)
MySQL 4.1+ (MySQL 5 recommended)
ionCube (script itself is not encoded, ionCube is required for installation script)


**************** Hãy cùng chia sẻ với bạn bè bằng cách ****************

Copy đường link dưới đây gửi đến nick yahoo bạn bè!

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