FileChucker upload script
[ 2008-08-05 07:54:38 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Install Directions:
1. Put the script at /cgi-bin/filechucker.cgi. (You could also name it, or in fact, whatever.cgi or And put the prefs file at /cgi-bin/filechucker_prefs.cgi.
2. Set the permissions on filechucker.cgi (aka, chmod it) to world-readable and world-executable, that is, a+rx or mode 0755. Do NOT use 0777.
3. Create the directory /cgi-bin/fcdata/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
4. Create the directory /upload/files/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
Now visit in your browser and FileChucker should be working properly. If not, don't try any of the following optional steps; go back and fix whatever's necessary to get the script working first.
Install Directions:
1. Put the script at /cgi-bin/filechucker.cgi. (You could also name it, or in fact, whatever.cgi or And put the prefs file at /cgi-bin/filechucker_prefs.cgi.
2. Set the permissions on filechucker.cgi (aka, chmod it) to world-readable and world-executable, that is, a+rx or mode 0755. Do NOT use 0777.
3. Create the directory /cgi-bin/fcdata/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
4. Create the directory /upload/files/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
Now visit in your browser and FileChucker should be working properly. If not, don't try any of the following optional steps; go back and fix whatever's necessary to get the script working first.
Link Down:
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Install Directions:
1. Put the script at /cgi-bin/filechucker.cgi. (You could also name it, or in fact, whatever.cgi or And put the prefs file at /cgi-bin/filechucker_prefs.cgi.
2. Set the permissions on filechucker.cgi (aka, chmod it) to world-readable and world-executable, that is, a+rx or mode 0755. Do NOT use 0777.
3. Create the directory /cgi-bin/fcdata/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
4. Create the directory /upload/files/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
Now visit in your browser and FileChucker should be working properly. If not, don't try any of the following optional steps; go back and fix whatever's necessary to get the script working first.
Install Directions:
1. Put the script at /cgi-bin/filechucker.cgi. (You could also name it, or in fact, whatever.cgi or And put the prefs file at /cgi-bin/filechucker_prefs.cgi.
2. Set the permissions on filechucker.cgi (aka, chmod it) to world-readable and world-executable, that is, a+rx or mode 0755. Do NOT use 0777.
3. Create the directory /cgi-bin/fcdata/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
4. Create the directory /upload/files/ and set the permissions on it to world-readable, -writable, and -executable, that is, a+rwx or mode 0777.
Now visit in your browser and FileChucker should be working properly. If not, don't try any of the following optional steps; go back and fix whatever's necessary to get the script working first.
Link Down:
[Sửa lần cuối bởi:bvl91, vào lúc 2009-08-18 06:22:23]
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