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[ 2009-01-20 07:57:19 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

MKPortal is a free Portal/Content Management System (CMS) which seamlessly integrates with the most popular forum softwares (Simple Machines, Invision Power Board 1.3 and 2.x, phpBB, MyBB and vBulletin). It uses the forum user management system and other features and adds many powerful modules to create and manage a light but powerful web site. MKPortal has an intuitive user interface and is very simple to install and administer.

MKPortal Features:

* Full integration with forum member database. No double-logins!
* Valid xhtml and css
* Forum Themes/Skins importing (use forum skins for portal)
* User-selectable Themes/Skins (lets members choose portal and forum skins)
* User-selectable Languages (lets members choose portal and forum language)
* More than 25 Portal blocks included with the ability to create custom html and php blocks
* Create custom html and php internal pages

Included Modules:

* Blog (give members their own hosted, full-featured blog)
* Gallery (upload, manage, rate and comment images with categories)
* Shoutbox (post messages in the style of a guestbook and display them globally in the header)
* Downloads (upload, manage, rate and comment files with categories)
* News (create, manage, rate and comment news articles with categories)
* TopSite (upload, manage, and rate website link banners)
* Reviews (create, manage, rate and comment reviews with categories)
* Quotes (create and manage quotes)
* Chat (chat online with other users directly from your portal)


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    [rolleyes] [sad] [yes] [no]
    [heart] [star] [music] [idea]
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