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Aerocut Pro v3.0

[ 2009-09-03 01:34:17 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Aerocut Pro v3.0
Multilinks | 15.98 MB

Aerocut Pro is a software that draws for you all the contours of your images. Aerocut helps you in the creation of clipping paths with a few mouse clicks. Thanks to its new technology, Aerocut provides smart paths that are automatically extracted from the image. With Aerocut you are able to select your subject in the picture and export a path that can control filters (effects, chromatic corrections, etc) and more...



http://uploading.com/files/LJ7TMZF0/Aerocut.Pro.v3.0_www.Download.Softarchive.NET.zip. html

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