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My Kingdom for the Princess v1.0

[ 2009-08-27 04:49:04 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

12bmemory.tk  http://vinashare.net/image/images/151111sqo.jpg
My Kingdom for the Princess v1.0 | 38,11
Guide a young princess on a challenging journey to her father's bedside, and reconstruct a ravaged fantasy land, in My Kingdom for the Princess, a one-of-a-kind adventure game. Helen has traveled far away from home to visit her uncle in his castle. Suddenly, tac-cm and kh-arm without warning, terrible tornadoes and a rather hungry dragon nearly destroy the idyllic kingdom. Helen survives the turmoil but her father, the king, was not so lucky. Now, anxious to get back home, Helen must set out on a perilous journey through a land of destruction and danger. Help the princess return home by clearing fallen trees, repairing roads, rebuilding shattered structures, and more. This unique time management adventure game features stunning full-screen graphics, an engaging storyline, surprises at every turn, and hours and hours of addictive fun. Check out this exceptional game with the free trial or download the full version of My Kingdom for a Princess and begin an incredible adventure you'll want to experience again and again.
12bmemory.tk  http://vinashare.net/image/images/40mykingdomfortheprinces.jpg
12bmemory.tk  http://vinashare.net/image/images/86mykingdomfortheprinces.jpg
12bmemory.tk  http://vinashare.net/forum/images/MF.png
Code:http://www.mediafire.com/?kz5qnyzzi2w12bmemory.tk  http://vinashare.net/forum/images/RS.png

**************** Hãy cùng chia sẻ với bạn bè bằng cách ****************

Copy đường link dưới đây gửi đến nick yahoo bạn bè!

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