OnOne Software PhotoTools 2.0 Professional Edition
[ 2009-08-08 08:44:42 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Công cụ cho phép bạn thao tác và xử lý để bức ảnh của mình được sống động và rực rỡ hơn.
PhotoTools 2 is the fastest way to add a professional look to your photos
* Includes hundreds of high-quality photographic effects from industry professionals
* Quickly and easily add effects to your photos in Photoshop, Lightroom or Aperture
* Perfect for portrait and wedding photographers
Note by CORE:
Use our keymaker to register the application.
In case keygen doesnt run, it requires DLLs of MS Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Pack. (get them from M$)
There are 2 keys which u can enter into licensemanager. First one (the activation key) is optional and not required for successfully registering the application. You may completely disable the activation at startup of the application.
Size: 484 MB
Pass: sharesoft84.com
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PIMOne v5.4 Build 2009.5.5.202
[English Study] - English File - Intermediate Workbook
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Vui vui ^^!
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[English Study] - [Longman] Test Your Listening
PhotoTools 2 is the fastest way to add a professional look to your photos
* Includes hundreds of high-quality photographic effects from industry professionals
* Quickly and easily add effects to your photos in Photoshop, Lightroom or Aperture
* Perfect for portrait and wedding photographers
Note by CORE:
Use our keymaker to register the application.
In case keygen doesnt run, it requires DLLs of MS Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Pack. (get them from M$)
There are 2 keys which u can enter into licensemanager. First one (the activation key) is optional and not required for successfully registering the application. You may completely disable the activation at startup of the application.
Size: 484 MB
Pass: sharesoft84.com
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