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IMANDIX Cover Professional - - Tạo các album ảnh 3D chuyên nghiệp

[ 2009-08-08 08:44:42 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Windows Software | IMANDIX Cover Professional | 6 MB

The program for creation of three-dimensional images of DVD-boxes. IMANDIX Cover allows to create boxes of the various standard sizes, to generate at once some DVD-boxes on one image and to look through the created models in a three-dimensional kind.

There is a possibility of change of an arrangement of three-dimensional boxes at space manually or by means of 30 established templates, function of adjustment of colour of a box and a back background of a picture, and also an angle of slope, an incident light and a shade. Export of images to popular formats (JPG, BMP, PNG, PCX, TIF), with the permission to 2000x2000 pixels is supported. Besides, IMANDIX Cover can movement of boxes in space and export the created animation to video format AVI. For viewing of DVD-boxes in a three-dimensional kind it is necessary to establish Java 3D API 1.3.1 or above.

Homepage (http://anonymz.com/?http://www.3dcoverhost.com/imandix)


Uploadcell (http://uploadcell.com/7hrco0dc0zav/IMANDIX_Cover_Professional_0.9.1.2_www.softarchive .net.rar)

Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/234319591/IMANDIX_Cover_Professional_0.9.1.2_www.softarchive .net.rar)

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