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CrystalMaker 2.2.1

[ 2009-08-08 08:16:23 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

CrystalMaker 2.2.1 (Size: 12,7 MB)

"Displaying and manipulating all kinds of crystal and molecular structures."
BSEditor: CrystalMaker is an award-winning program for building, displaying and manipulating all kinds of crystal and molecular structures.

http://c.uploadanh.com/upload/0/510/0.411255001247756971.jpg (http://imgarchive.info/viewpicture.php?file=109450.jpg&th=)
Easy and Flexible. A streamlined workflow majors on productivity: just drag-and-drop your data files into the program (15+ formats auto-detected & loaded) for instant display in spectacular photo-realistic colour.

Fully-Interactive. Manipulate structures in real time, simply by clicking-and-dragging. Multiple View "bookmarks" and undo levels encourage exploration and discovery - ideal for research and teaching.

Powerful Tools. Work with massive structures, using depth profiling and measurement. Bonds and polyhedra are automatically generated, with full error propagation, plus Cluster shell and coordination network visualization and powerful output options.

Explore Structural Behaviour. CrystalMaker provides a unique perspective into structural behaviour, with multi-structure browsing, animation and movie output.

Diffraction Support. Diffraction patterns can be simulated for any displayed crystal structure, with just a single menu command - thanks to our CrystalDiffract and SingleCrystal helper programs.

crystalmaker (http://anonymz.com/?http://www.crystalmaker.com)

Download (RapidShare)
Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/256407782/crystalmaker2.21_www.softarchive.net.zip)

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