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Focus Photoeditor 6.0.9 - Công cụ xử lý ảnh chuyên nghiệp

[ 2009-08-08 08:16:23 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Focus Photoeditor 6.0.9 ~ 10.81 MB

Focus Photoeditor là một công cụ xử lý ảnh cực mạnh. Với các tiện ích như: Remove RGB Noise : có chức năng lọai bỏ ảnh nổi hạt hay pixel bị rạn theo kênh màu; Remove Jpg Noise : Có chức năng loại bỏ ảnh nổi hạt do chất lượng của ảnh Jpg gây ra; Remove Pixel Noise : Có chức năng loại bỏ toàn bộ các điểm ảnh bị nổi hạt bị rạn pixel trên toàn bộ bức hình...

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- Và còn nhiều chức năng khác...
Focus Photoeditor is a powerful, easy-to-use image editor, that can be used to improve and correct all kind of digital photos and to produce graphics for the web, the home and the office. You can acquire digital pictures from file, from other applications, or with the help of a scanner or a digital camera and start to work with them immediately.
Try the different automatic improvement functions and correct your photos in a matter of seconds. With its many image regulation abilities, that improve the pictures appearance, without loosing any quality, Focus can be used as a strong and professional tool by both beginner and advanced photographers.
Focus Photoeditor infact combines amount and quality of features with the user-friendly interface.
What makes Focus Photoeditor really great?
Loads fast, letting you immediately start to edit your pictures.
• Program does not eat up memory, it just uses the right amount necessary for working: memory consumption does not grow with number of layers or the number of pictures opened in the editor.
• Supports over 70 digital camera RAW formats. (Click here for the list) (http://anonymz.com/?http://www.nwspro.com/raw_formats.htm)
• Has a very comprehensive and professional set of features.
• Has the best set of Automatic Photo Corrections available on the market.
• High quality photo correction algorithms, which are also finely tuned. An example is the new Unsharp Mask filter.
• Has a very easy to use Batch Processor with undo capabilities.
• Supports powerful ways of creating Selections and has separate undo history for them.
• Features great control over precise editing (exact positioning of layers, precise cropping, printing in exact size and position etc..)
• Many options to save and export files (optimized size and preview for all formats)
• Very comfortable picture browser: lets you rotate, make backup copies, copy&paste, print picture files in a sheet.
Enhance Photos
Focus Photoeditor has an impressive arsenal of tools for editing and correcting digital images: Quick Fix Wizard, Exposure Compensation, Fill-Back Light, Smart Flash-Reduce Hilights, Midtones Compression, Adjust levels, Gamma, RGB curves, Hue / Saturation, Brightness / Contrast, Shadows / Highlights, Histogram stretch and much more...
In Focus Photoeditor any editing tool can be used with color mode or with retouch mode. This gives you great flexibility in choosing the right tool for retouching different parts of a picture.
• Very practical and easy to use is the Anti-RedEye. You can get rid of this annoying problem very quickly: just select the eye color and choose the tool to use (for example a round brush or an ellipse..) to achieve a perfect result.
• The clone tool will let you remove unwanted details or duplicate existing ones.
• Also it's possible to lighten or darken details, Improve sharpness, Increase saturation using any of the editing tools provided.
Paint and Draw
Focus Photoeditor is an excellent painting and editing program. You can paint, draw lines, polygons, ellipses and apply color, textures, gradients and objects.
• Customizable brushes let you create any work of art.
• With Cloning you can turn your photos into paintings, by copying part of one picture onto another, using your preferred color.
• Edit precisely using grids and guides.
Compose with Layers
Focus Photoeditor as every advanced image editor supports layers. Layers are very useful for:
• Experimenting photo correction without modifying the original picture.
• Creating photo collages of several images one on top of another.
• Adding Text with shadows and 3d look.
• Create nice transparent blend effects between pictures.
The advantages of using our program for layers are clear when you don't have a lot of ram to waste. Infact FP's layers engine is designed to use the least amount of ram as possible.
Award for Excellence!
What's New in This Release:
• Last Raw Settings can now be memorized and will not be prompted every time you import a raw file.
• The batch scripts will now be executed in the same order they have been selected
• Added Decontrast - Negative Overlay Manual and Automatic correction. Also added to the batch script list.
• A few minor bug fixes

OS: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista

H O M E P A G E (http://anonymz.com/?http://nwspro.com/fp.htm)
Download : (Size: 10.81 MB)

RapidShare (http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/258758101/Focus_Photoeditor_6.0.9_krug.softarchive.net.rar) Depositfiles (http://depositfiles.com/files/qvhsdyw6i) Letitbit (http://anonymz.com/?http://letitbit.net/download/4798.425ba803231f6d5df6ca90399/Focus_Photoeditor_6.0.9_krug.softarchive.net.rar.h tml)

**************** Hãy cùng chia sẻ với bạn bè bằng cách ****************

Copy đường link dưới đây gửi đến nick yahoo bạn bè!

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