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TrackMate v6.04

[ 2009-08-08 05:48:47 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

TrackMate v6.04
Win App | 5.6mb | Rs,Hf

During a track meet, time is critical. Effort spent handwriting entry forms, waiting on event results and determining point totals wastes time and results in slower track meets. Manually recording and summarizing results requires the efforts of several people. Just reading handwritten names and results can be difficult. TrackMate is designed to make these jobs easier. Your track and field meets can run more smoothly and quickly, and with less effort. Above all, TrackMate is designed to be easy to use.


# New New! Windows Vista support.
# New New! Exhibition only event entries. An exhibition only entry can have results (time/distance/height) at each level of competition, but cannot get points or a place in the event.
# New New! You can tell TrackMate that an entry should not advance to the next level. For example, if an athlete had the best time in the prelims of a running event, you could tell TrackMate not to advance them to the final heat. This is useful if you want runners to compete in an event, but not score.
# Interface to FinishLynx timing system
# Any number of divisions and schools can be entered.
# Any number of contestants may be entered.
# Any number of custom events types may be added.
# Division/school/contestant names need only be typed once.
# Supports both indoor and outdoor standard event types.
# Track events can have preliminary heats, semi-final heats and one final heat. Alternately, preliminary times may be used to determine final places, without either semi-finals or a final heat.
# Preliminary and final heat and lane assignments are made automatically. However, if you want, you can put people in heats any way you wish.
# Many custom heat assignment configuration options are available to tailor automatic heat and lane assignment.
# If people drop out of events after heats have been assigned, you can re-heat with the press of a single button.
# Blank heat/entry forms are generated automatically.
# Ties are broken automatically.
# Preliminary and final results sheets can be printed..
# Current point totals for each school in the meet may be viewed at any time during or after the meet. You also get top individual point totals.
# Meet results summaries may be printed at the conclusion of the meet. Summaries are available on a per-division and per-school basis.
# You can import event entries from one TrackMate data file into another. Using this feature, each school can send a data file containing their entries, and these entries can then be directly imported into the main meet data file.
# Prints to any Windows compatible graphics printer.
# Online help is available.
# TrackMate uses the National Federation of State High School Associations track & field rules.
# Print labels for awards.
# Enter distances and heights in either English (feet/inches) or metric (meters and centimters) units.
# Athlete (bib) numbers.
# HTML export includes team totals.
# Copy athlete names to/from clipboard. This allows you to import athlete names from a spreadsheet, text editor or word processor directly into TrackMate, without having to type them in.

More Info:
Homepage (http://anonymz.com/?http://www.microsport.com/)

Download Links :

Hotfile (http://hotfile.com/dl/2693673/3b511e7/TrackMate_v6.04.softarchive.net.rar.html)


Rapidshare (http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/233394256/TrackMate_v6.04.softarchive.net.rar)

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