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PGCSoft CRM-Express Professional 2009.5.1.0

[ 2009-08-08 05:48:47 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Windows Sofware | PGCSoft CRM-Express Professional 2009.5.1.0 | 29.4 Mb

RM-Express can manage your marketing, customers, sales and orders. Features include SMS abilities, Email Client, Calendar, Address Book, My work day, News Feeds, Meeting Planner, Company Library, Form Designer, Journal. CRM-Express Standard Edition is a single-user version. The Professional version is available as a multi-user networked version.

One Communication Center which supports Multiple Communication Methods
Communicate via Email, Fax and SMS. Store communicated messages by contact for easy retrieval.

SMS management
Send and receive SMS messages with Templates and Mail-Merge.

DTP Editor
Design email, newsletters, forms, templates, etc.

Import from Outlook Express, Outlook, Act, CSV, XML, V-Cards, etc. Export to XML, Html, Word, Excel, PDF, V-Cards, etc.

Sales Order Management
Create quotes, orders, invoices, view sales reports, etc. Creates invoices in PDF format for easy email.

Mailing List Management
Automate Subscription Sign-Ups, Mass Mail with Mail-Merge, etc.

Meeting Planner
Plan meetings with scheduler, reminders and calendar support

Time Management
Time management with "my work day" display, notebook,calendar, etc.

Allocation to contact
Allocate emails, sms, Faxes and other documents to the relevant account.

Easy to use
Menu items can be switched off to only show what you need. This simplifies the program to make it easier to learn and use.

Fax and Call management
Send Faxes, make calls with dial-up and call-timing

Email Client
Fast, Multi-threaded Email with Templates and Mail merge for Email Send and Receive

Create Sales performance and management reports quickly and easily

Personalized Tech Support
Get answers to all your questions via personalized email for 1 year

Home Page (http://anonymz.com/?www.crm-express.com)

Letitbit (http://letitbit.net/download/9be9d925594b05e/PGCSoft_CRM_Express_Professional_v2009.5.1.0_www.s oftarchive.net.rar.html)

Uploading (http://uploading.com/files/GR5SDW5H/PGCSoft_CRM_Express_Professional_v2009.5.1.0_www.s oftarchive.net.rar.html)

RapidShare (http://rapidshare.com/files/235319850/PGCSoft_CRM_Express_Professional_v2009.5.1.0_www.s oftarchive.net.rar)

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