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Win Episcope 2 - Phần mềm xử lý dữ liệu trong dịch tể học thú y

[ 2009-08-08 05:48:47 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ


Win Episcope is software for quantitative veterinary epidemiology. It is suitable for both the design and analysis of epidemiological studies, and as an aid to the teaching of quantitative epidemiology. Win Episcope 2.0 has been programmed with Borland Delphi©; 1.0. The program can be run on IBM compatible PCs with the Windows©; 3.1 /95 /98 /ME /2000 /XP operating systems (not compatible with Vista). The following modules are available:

Diagnostic Tests

Test Agreement

Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests

Advanced Features of Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests

Selecting the Threshold Value of a Diagnostic Test

Multiple Diagnostic Tests

Sample Size

Sample Size to Estimate Means

Sample Size to Estimate difference between Means

Sample Size to Estimate Percentage (e.g. prevalence)

Sample Size to Estimate difference between Percentages

Sample Size for Detection of Disease in a Population

Sample Size for Threshold Level

Sample Size in Unmatched Case-Control Studies

Sample Size in Matched Case-Control Studies

Sample Size in Cohort Studies

Analytical Observational studies

Cross-Sectional studies

Stratified Cross-Sectional studies

Case-Control studies

Stratified Case-Control studies

Matched Case-Control studies

Cohort studies (Cumulative Incidence)

Cohort studies (Incidence Rate)

Stratified Cohort studies (Cumulative Incidence)

Stratified Cohort studies (Incidence Rate)


Reed-Frost Model: simulation of an epidemic


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