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Microsoft Windows nCore lwgame Edition 2009

[ 2009-08-08 01:38:50 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Microsoft Windows nCore lwgame Edition 2009 | 1.37 GB

Were you looking for a stable and fast OS, then Microsoft Windows lwgame Edition (Codename nCore) your choice! Support new multiprocessor systems with more RAM (memory) which other operating systems on the fifth version of the kernel simply does not handle, allowing to work in Adobe After Effects CS4, Autodesk 3D Max 2010 and other demanding applications and games!

NCore most advanced version of the current at this time of Windows with the fifth version of the kernel.

Features and differences from other assemblies OS:
- The system is compatible with most software that supports all major file systems, and network environment
- Support technology SMP and COW
- Security OS includes all the updates and satisfy the requirements of the most modern safety standards
- Built-in networking capabilities simplify setup and administration of network
- Reliability and fault tolerance can not be afraid of failures in the operating system
- Use structured fault-tolerant processing of special situations in all the architectural levels
- Architecture OS protects applications from damaging each other and the operating system
- You can extend the functionality of the system to your desired level
- Full support for new processors and multicore systems
- Support for PAE and more than 4 GB of RAM
- Support for a new type of caching for HDD
- Advanced networking capabilities
- Support DirectX10/10.1 and DirectX11 (test mode)
- Support Platform. NET on OS

All upgrades to the existing 16 June, 2009
Internet Explorer v8.0.6001.18702
Google Chrome

DirectX 9.0c Redistributable (March 2009)
J2SE Runtime Environment v6.0 update 13
. NET Framework Full (1.1,2.0,3.0,3.5) + SP1, 2 + Language pack (Rus)
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and Plugin v10.0.22.87
SilverLignt 2.0 - the same flash, just from Microsoft
WinRAR 3.80 - Archiver
Unlocker - Unlock access to programs or files
Windows Media Player 11 v.11.0.5721.5260 Russian
UxTheme - Patcheny file for use unsigned themes.
OEMS Pack - Displaying logo processors in the system info
Addon Vista Drive Icon 6in1 v3.6.1 - Displays the degree zaprolneniya discs, simulating the type of Vista.
Increase the limit of simultaneous connections unfinished TCP / IP withdrawn at OS
Additional system libraries needed to run some programs.
New Kurosry
New Sounds
New Wallpaper + copyright under this assemblage of KM-Software (Design Team)
New Program (supplements) in the Control Panel
On the desktop there are several programs for configuring the OS

Alcohol 120% v1.9.8.7612 ML.RUS.Retail
Nero 8360 Micro (enru) + Addon
Total Commander 7.50 PowerPack 0.50 Rus
USB Safely_Remove_v4.1.4.794_Beta_Multilanguage
uTorrent 1.8.3 build 15638
Ccleaner 2.20
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack Setup 4.9.0
Download Master
Kido Killer (Antivirus) - from Kaspersky
Punto Switcher 3.1
QIP Infium 9030
QIP 8092 (For those who are accustomed to the standard)
DirectX 9.0 Web setup (for March 2009)
Opera 9.64 Multilanguage
Fraps 2.9.8 Build 7777 Retail
AIMP v2.51.330
Anti Autorun 3.0
Putty 0.60 (r3)
7zip 9.04
WebMoney Keeper Classic
+ BONUS folder with useful things:)

Realtek AC97 and HD
ATi Catalyst

Homepage (http://anonymz.com/?http://www.microsoft.com/en/us/default.aspx)


http://rapidshare.com/files/252318651/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part01.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252318124/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part02.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252320179/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part03.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252320330/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part04.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252318439/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part05.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252319738/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part06.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252321167/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part07.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252320613/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part08.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252320523/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part09.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252318680/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part10.r ar
http://rapidshare.com/files/252321210/Windows_nCore_lwgame_jtek_softarchive.net.part11.r ar

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