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Super Internet TV 7.4 2009 - Xem TV trực tuyến

[ 2009-07-29 00:25:34 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Super Internet TV 7.4 2009 | 3 MB

Super Internet TV 7.4 2009 allows you to watch 1700+ live television channels and listen to 5000+ online radio stations from 100+ countries. There is no need for a TV Tuner card because all the channels are streamed through your Internet connection. For most TV and Radio channels a modem speed of 56Kb/s is required, for the broadband TV stations you need 300 Kb/s. This software comes with automatic TV station updates so it will never be out of date. If you are interested in learning languages or alternative programming, this is a good choice for you! Features : alt More than

More than 2200 FREE TV stations.
More than 5000 FREE radio stations.
More than 200 live webcams.
NO TV tuner card required!
Automatic channel list updates.
Supports high bandwidth stations.
Supports thousands of skins
Resizable screen, including full-screen mode


Mediafire.com :

Pass : www.YoDownload.NET

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Copy đường link dưới đây gửi đến nick yahoo bạn bè!

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