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Xampp 1.7.1

[ 2009-07-27 07:20:37 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

XAMPP project is a very easy to install Apache distribution for Linux, Solaris, and Windows.

Many people know from their own experience that it´s not easy to install an Apache web server and it gets harder if you want to add MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start.

* Apache HTTPD 2.2.11 + Openssl 0.9.8i
* MySQL 5.1.33
* PHP 5.2.9
* phpMyAdmin
* XAMPP CLI Bundle 1.3
* FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.31
* Mercury Mail Transport System 4.62



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