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[English Study] -Intermediate Listening Comprehension: Understanding and Recalling Spoken English

[ 2009-07-26 12:34:47 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Product Description
The third edition of this groundbreaking book includes videotaped lectures in DVD or VHS format. Now teachers can use the audio program (available on both tapes and CD) with the support of video simulation of an academic lecture experience. Many new and updated lectures with high-interest topics are included. INTERMEDIATE LISTENING COMPREHENSION is designed to familiarize students with the major rhetorical patterns of formal, spoken English.

About the Author
Ph.D - Arizona University


http://rapidshare.com/files/183101356/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 001
http://rapidshare.com/files/183105334/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 002
http://rapidshare.com/files/183109646/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 003
http://rapidshare.com/files/183114277/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 004
http://rapidshare.com/files/183119091/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 005
http://rapidshare.com/files/183124012/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 006
http://rapidshare.com/files/183128831/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 007
http://rapidshare.com/files/183133680/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 008
http://rapidshare.com/files/183138465/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 009
http://rapidshare.com/files/183143322/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 010
http://rapidshare.com/files/183148906/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 011
http://rapidshare.com/files/183154414/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 012
http://rapidshare.com/files/183157415/Intermediate_Listening_Comprehension_20062187.rar. 013

Update link Mediafire:

http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6888bf3de8d15aa724a64199ac7f73e51c5f3d99 b3dc66f4b8eada0a1ae8665a

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