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Vity's FreeRapid Downloader 0.82 Build #421 UPDATED

[ 2009-07-11 09:55:29 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

Vity's FreeRapid Downloader 0.82 Build #421 UPDATED | 5.25 MB

Free Rapid Downloader is a simple Java downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare and other file-sharing services. Simply copy and paste your links from a browser to this application. FreeRapid Downloader will handle the rest itself. No more clicking or uncomfortable waiting.

Main Features
* support for concurrent downloading from multiple services
* downloading using proxy list
* download history
* smart clipboard monitoring
* automatic checking for file's existence on server
* auto shutdown options
* automatic plugins updates
* simple CAPTCHA recognition
* works on MS Windows, Linux and MacOS
* easy to use
* multilanguage interface - Czech, Brazilian portuguese, Danish, English, French, German, Hungarian, Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian
* looks amazingly
* simply works!

Currently supported services are:
* Rapidshare.com (+ premium account)
* MegaUpload.com
* Megarotic.com and Sexuploader.com
* NetLoad.in
* MediaFire.com
* FileFactory.com
* Filebase.to
* Uploaded.to
* DepositFiles.com
* Share-online.biz
* Egoshare.com
* Easy-share.com
* Letibit.net
* XtraUpload.de
* Shareator.com
* Kewlshare.com
* SaveFile.com
* Ziddu.com
* 4shared.com
* Load.to
* UploadBox.com new
* FileSend.net new
* 2Shared.com new
* Uploading.com new
* Yourfiles.biz new
* Ultrashare.net new
* SendSpace.com new
* Wiiupload.com new
* Rapidshare.de new
* Uppit.com new
* FileFlyer.com new
* BitRoad.net new
* iFile.it new
* Iskladka.cz
* HellShare.com (+full new)
* QuickShare.cz
* Uloz.to
* Uloz.cz new
* Share-rapid.com new
* Nahraj.cz new
* FlyShare.cz
* Edisk.cz
* Bagruj.cz new
* LeteckaPosta.cz new
* CZShare.com free (+profi) new
* Subory.sk new
* Upnito.sk
* CobraShare.sk
* Usercash.com (crypter)
* Tinyurl.com (crypter)
* Linkbucks.com (crypter)
* Radikal.ru (crypter)

Homepage:- wordrider.net/freerapid

Vity's FreeRapid Downloader 0.82 Build #421 UPDATED | 5.25 MB (http://www.mediafire.com/?j2zqmlgmy1n)
Vity's FreeRapid Downloader 0.82 Build #421 UPDATED | 5.25 MB (http://rapidshare.com/files/252557201/Vity_s.Free.apid.Downloader.0.82.Build._421.rar.ht ml)

**************** Hãy cùng chia sẻ với bạn bè bằng cách ****************

Copy đường link dưới đây gửi đến nick yahoo bạn bè!

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