Tổng hợp các FONT chữ
[ 2009-09-03 01:34:17 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Nếu bạn là dân thiết kế đồ họa, thường xuyên làm việc trên CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator thì chắc hẳn các bạn cũng biết một điều hết sức quan trọng, đó là :"Không thể thiếu Font chữ"
Đây là tổnghợp Font chữ bạn mình bên Canada mới share cho mình. Up luôn chia sẽ với anh em!
Với lại Hung Nguyen post bài này là trả nợ cho Admin

Western Collection fonts from Elected Art | 101 Font | Windows All | 3 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/62b36b/n/elected_art_western_rar

Distorted Collection fonts from Elected Art | 98 Font | Windows All | 7 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/6a99f1/n/elected_art_distorted_rar

133 Commercial Poster Fonts Pack | TTF & OTF | 5 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/9cd9e4/n/Commercial_Poster_Fonts_Pack_rar

Presidencia Fonts Pack | TTF, OTF | Mac & Win | 3 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/26f07f/n/Presidencia_Fonts_Pack_rar

In Sign Font Pack Font Pack| TTF & OTF | 5 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/fc14a3/n/Insig_rar

Eroded Collection fonts from Elected Art | 224 Font | Windows All | 19 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/ccc24e/n/elected_art_eroded_rar

Sudtipos Font Collection 167 TTF | 6 OTF | 6.3 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U336VSSV
100 Best Commercial Fonts Ever Made from FONTSHOP
1. Helvetica [1957 - Max Miedinger]
2. Garamond [1530 - Claude Garamond]
3. Frutiger [1977 - Adrian Frutiger]
4. Bodoni [1970 - Giambattista Bodoni]
5. Futura [1927 - Paul Renner]
6. Times [1931 - Stanley Morison]
7. Akzidenz Grotesk [1966 - Günter Gerhard Lange]
8. Officina [1990 - Erik Spiekermann]
9. Gill Sans [1930 - Eric Gill]
10. Univers [1954 - Adrian Frutiger]
11. Optima [1954 - Hermann Zapf]
12. Franklin Gothic [1903 - Morris Fuller Benton]
13. Bembo [1496 - Francesco Griffo]
14. Interstate [1993 - Tobias Frere-Jones]
15. Thesis [1994 - Lucas de Groot]
16. Rockwell [1934 - Frank H. Pierpont]
17. Walbaum [1800 - Justus Walbaum]
18. Meta [1991 - Erik Spiekermann]
19. Trinité [1982 - Bram De Does]
20. Din [1926 - Ludwig Goller]
21. Matrix [1986 - Zuzana Licko]
22. OCR [1965 - American Type Founders]
23. Avant Garde [1968 - Herb Lubalin]
24. Lucida [1985 - Chris Holmes / Charles Bigelow]
25. Sabon [1964 - Jan Tschichold]
26. Zapfino [1998 - Hermann Zapf]
27. Letter Gothic [1956 - Roger Roberson]
28. Stone [1987 - Summer Stone]
29. Arnhem [1998 - Fred Smeijers]
30. Minion [1990 - Robert Slimbach]
31. Myriad [1992 - Twombly & Slimbach]
32. Rotis [1988 - Olt Aicher]
33. Eurostile [1962 - Aldo Novarese]
34. Scala [1991 - Martin Majoor]
35. Syntax [1968 - Hans Eduard Meier]
36. Joanna [1930 - Eric Gill]
37. Fleishmann [1997 - Erhard Kaiser]
38. Palatino [1950 - Hermann Zapf]
39. Baskerville [1754 - John Baskerville]
40. Fedra [2002 - Peter Bil'ak]
41. Gotham [2000 - Tobias Frere-Jones]
42. Lexicon [1992 - Bram De Does]
43. Hands [1991 - Letterror]
44. Metro [1929 - W. A. Dwiggins]
45. Didot [1799 - Firmin Didot]
46. Formata [1984 - Bernd Möllenstädt]
47. Caslon [1725 - William Caslon]
48. Cooper Black [1920 - Oswald B. Cooper]
49. Peignot [1937 - A. M. Cassandre]
50. Bell Gothic [1938 - Chauncey H. Griffith]
51. Antique Olive [1962 - Roger Excoffon]
52. Wilhelm Klngspor Gotisch [1926 - Rudolf Koch]
53. Info [1996 - Erik Spiekermann]
54. Dax [1995 - Hans Reichel]
55. Proforma [1988 - Petr van Blokland]
56. Today Sans [1988 - Volker Küster]
57. Prokyon [2002 - Erhard Kaiser]
58. Trade Gothic [1948 - Jackson Burke]
59. Swift [1987 - Gerald Unger]
60. Copperplate Gothic [1901 - Frederic W. Goudy]
61. Blur [1992 - Neville Brody]
62. Base [1995 - Zuzana Licko]
63. Bell Centennial [1978 - Matthew Carter]
64. News Gothic [1908 - Morris Fuller Benton]
65. Avenir [1988 - Adrian Frutiger]
66. Bernhard Modern [1937 - Lucian Bernhard]
67. Amplitude [2003 - Christian Schwartz]
68. Trixie [1991 - Erik van Blokland]
69. Quadraat [1992 - Fred Smeijers]
70. Neutraface [2002 - Christian Schwartz]
71. Nobel [1929 - Sjoerd de Roos]
72. Industria [1990 - Neville Brody]
73. Bickham Script [1997 - Richard Lipton]
74. Bank Gothic [1930 - Morris Fuller Benton]
75. Corporate ASE [1989 - Kurt Weidemann]
76. ~censored~ [2000 - Ole Schafer]
77. Trajan [1989 - Carol Twombly]
78. Kabel [1927 - Rudolf Koch]
79. House Gothic 23 [1995 - Tal Leming]
80. Kosmik [1993 - Letterror]
81. Caecilia [1990 - Peter Matthias Noordzij]
82. Mrs Eaves [1996 - Zuzana Licko]
83. Corpid [1997 - Lucas de Groot]
84. Miller [1997 - Matthew Carter]
85. Souvenir [1914 - Morris Fuller Benton]
86. Instant Types [1992 - Just van Rossum]
87. Clarendon [1845 - Benjamin Fox]
88. Triplex [1989 - Zuzana Licko]
89. Benguiat [1989 - Ed Benguiat]
90. Zapf Renaissance [1984 - Hermann Zapf]
91. Filosofia [1996 - Zuzana Licko]
92. Chalet [1996 - House Industries]
93. Quay Sans [1990 - David Quay]
94. Cézanne [1995 - Michael Want, James Grieshaber]
95. Reporter [1938 - Carlos Winkow]
96. Legacy [1992 - Ronald Arnholm]
97. Agenda [1993 - Greg Thompson]
98. Bello [2004 - Underware]
99. Dalliance [2000 - Frank Heine]
100. Mistral [1953 - Roger Excoffon]
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://uploading.com/files/QWT3RKDT/100Bestwww.dl4all.com.tar.bz2.html
B Fonts - Over 6,900 .ttf Fonts that begin with “B”

Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://rapidshare.com/files/144244072/BbBb.4.part1.rar
181 Famous Font Collection (NEW)

Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://rapidshare.com/files/144588713/181_Famous_Font_Collection__NEW_.rar
Update thêm nài
Pass: www.dl4all.com

Download: 5.7 MB

.ttf Format | 7,550 Fonts | 225 MB

334 Fonts | TTF | 5.04 MB

140 .ttf Fonts by DiviantArt | 4.35 MB

181 Famous Font Collection | 3.15 MB

Graffiti & Dragoon Fontset Fonts Collection | 4.04 MB

.ttf Format | 7,550 Fonts | 225 MB
Link Mediafire đây rồi nè các bạn
!! Down về thêm .rar cho nó rồi giải nén bình thường!!
Pass: www.dl4all.com
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.mediafire.com/?fxhzwyptcmj

Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.mediafire.com/?bxdyqjujz12
Fonts collection
Dung lượng: 307 Mb
Số lượng: 12.300 Font
Lời khuyên: Bộ sưu tập này làm dạng AutoPlay nên giải nén rất lâu, cách tốt nhất là bạn chỉ nên chạy nó sau đó vào Run - gõ lệnh %temp% , vào thư mục tạm của chương trình (ir_ext_temp) và Copy lại thư mục Docs chứa tất cả các Font để lưu trữ ra nơi khác.
Design Font Collect:
- Dung lượng: 11,64 Mb
- Số lượng: 302 font
Graffiti Fonts:
Dung lượng 6,4Mb
Umbrella Type Selects 1 Library Fonts

Code: [ Click here to select All ] Upload by Jokymoon
Tiếp tục Update!
Decorative Fonts
12 Fonts | TTF and OTF | 5.8 MB

Code: [ Click here to select All ] Upload by TTNDTeam
TOP40 MyFonts.com Collection

40 fonts series - 540 TTF - 17 Mb
01. Adobe-Garamond, 02. Avenir, 03. Bank-Gothic, 04. Boycott, 05. Carpenter, 06. Cezanne-Regular, 07. Chato-Band, 08. Engravers-Gothic, , 09. Eurostile, 10. Frutiger, 11. Futura, 12. Gill-Sans, 13. Grilled-Cheese-Btn, 14. Helvetica, 15. Interstate, 16. Itc-Avant-Garde-Gothic, 17. Itc-Franklin-Gothic, 18. Lamar-Pen, 19. Lassigue-Dmato, 20. Machia, 21. Mrs-Eaves, 22. Myriad, 23. Nat-Vignette, 24. Neue-Helvetica, 25. Optima, 26. P22-Corinthia, 27. P22-Zaner.Jpg, 28. Passions-Conflict, 29. Satisfaction, 30. Shelley-Script, 31. Sloop, 32. Swan-Song, 33. Swiss-721, 34. The-Nauti-Gal, 35. Trade-Gothic, 36. Trajan, , 37. Univers, 38. Water-Brush, 39. Yevida, 40. Zapfino
Code: [ Click here to select All ] Uload by TTNDTeam
[ Click here to select All ] http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=3...15fb47302ee5e8
Pass : www.YoDownload.NET
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Đây là tổnghợp Font chữ bạn mình bên Canada mới share cho mình. Up luôn chia sẽ với anh em!
Với lại Hung Nguyen post bài này là trả nợ cho Admin

Western Collection fonts from Elected Art | 101 Font | Windows All | 3 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/62b36b/n/elected_art_western_rar

Distorted Collection fonts from Elected Art | 98 Font | Windows All | 7 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/6a99f1/n/elected_art_distorted_rar

133 Commercial Poster Fonts Pack | TTF & OTF | 5 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/9cd9e4/n/Commercial_Poster_Fonts_Pack_rar

Presidencia Fonts Pack | TTF, OTF | Mac & Win | 3 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/26f07f/n/Presidencia_Fonts_Pack_rar

In Sign Font Pack Font Pack| TTF & OTF | 5 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/fc14a3/n/Insig_rar

Eroded Collection fonts from Elected Art | 224 Font | Windows All | 19 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.filefactory.com/file/ccc24e/n/elected_art_eroded_rar

Sudtipos Font Collection 167 TTF | 6 OTF | 6.3 MB
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U336VSSV
100 Best Commercial Fonts Ever Made from FONTSHOP

2. Garamond [1530 - Claude Garamond]
3. Frutiger [1977 - Adrian Frutiger]
4. Bodoni [1970 - Giambattista Bodoni]
5. Futura [1927 - Paul Renner]
6. Times [1931 - Stanley Morison]
7. Akzidenz Grotesk [1966 - Günter Gerhard Lange]
8. Officina [1990 - Erik Spiekermann]
9. Gill Sans [1930 - Eric Gill]
10. Univers [1954 - Adrian Frutiger]
11. Optima [1954 - Hermann Zapf]
12. Franklin Gothic [1903 - Morris Fuller Benton]
13. Bembo [1496 - Francesco Griffo]
14. Interstate [1993 - Tobias Frere-Jones]
15. Thesis [1994 - Lucas de Groot]
16. Rockwell [1934 - Frank H. Pierpont]
17. Walbaum [1800 - Justus Walbaum]
18. Meta [1991 - Erik Spiekermann]
19. Trinité [1982 - Bram De Does]
20. Din [1926 - Ludwig Goller]
21. Matrix [1986 - Zuzana Licko]
22. OCR [1965 - American Type Founders]
23. Avant Garde [1968 - Herb Lubalin]
24. Lucida [1985 - Chris Holmes / Charles Bigelow]
25. Sabon [1964 - Jan Tschichold]
26. Zapfino [1998 - Hermann Zapf]
27. Letter Gothic [1956 - Roger Roberson]
28. Stone [1987 - Summer Stone]
29. Arnhem [1998 - Fred Smeijers]
30. Minion [1990 - Robert Slimbach]
31. Myriad [1992 - Twombly & Slimbach]
32. Rotis [1988 - Olt Aicher]
33. Eurostile [1962 - Aldo Novarese]
34. Scala [1991 - Martin Majoor]
35. Syntax [1968 - Hans Eduard Meier]
36. Joanna [1930 - Eric Gill]
37. Fleishmann [1997 - Erhard Kaiser]
38. Palatino [1950 - Hermann Zapf]
39. Baskerville [1754 - John Baskerville]
40. Fedra [2002 - Peter Bil'ak]
41. Gotham [2000 - Tobias Frere-Jones]
42. Lexicon [1992 - Bram De Does]
43. Hands [1991 - Letterror]
44. Metro [1929 - W. A. Dwiggins]
45. Didot [1799 - Firmin Didot]
46. Formata [1984 - Bernd Möllenstädt]
47. Caslon [1725 - William Caslon]
48. Cooper Black [1920 - Oswald B. Cooper]
49. Peignot [1937 - A. M. Cassandre]
50. Bell Gothic [1938 - Chauncey H. Griffith]
51. Antique Olive [1962 - Roger Excoffon]
52. Wilhelm Klngspor Gotisch [1926 - Rudolf Koch]
53. Info [1996 - Erik Spiekermann]
54. Dax [1995 - Hans Reichel]
55. Proforma [1988 - Petr van Blokland]
56. Today Sans [1988 - Volker Küster]
57. Prokyon [2002 - Erhard Kaiser]
58. Trade Gothic [1948 - Jackson Burke]
59. Swift [1987 - Gerald Unger]
60. Copperplate Gothic [1901 - Frederic W. Goudy]
61. Blur [1992 - Neville Brody]
62. Base [1995 - Zuzana Licko]
63. Bell Centennial [1978 - Matthew Carter]
64. News Gothic [1908 - Morris Fuller Benton]
65. Avenir [1988 - Adrian Frutiger]
66. Bernhard Modern [1937 - Lucian Bernhard]
67. Amplitude [2003 - Christian Schwartz]
68. Trixie [1991 - Erik van Blokland]
69. Quadraat [1992 - Fred Smeijers]
70. Neutraface [2002 - Christian Schwartz]
71. Nobel [1929 - Sjoerd de Roos]
72. Industria [1990 - Neville Brody]
73. Bickham Script [1997 - Richard Lipton]
74. Bank Gothic [1930 - Morris Fuller Benton]
75. Corporate ASE [1989 - Kurt Weidemann]
76. ~censored~ [2000 - Ole Schafer]
77. Trajan [1989 - Carol Twombly]
78. Kabel [1927 - Rudolf Koch]
79. House Gothic 23 [1995 - Tal Leming]
80. Kosmik [1993 - Letterror]
81. Caecilia [1990 - Peter Matthias Noordzij]
82. Mrs Eaves [1996 - Zuzana Licko]
83. Corpid [1997 - Lucas de Groot]
84. Miller [1997 - Matthew Carter]
85. Souvenir [1914 - Morris Fuller Benton]
86. Instant Types [1992 - Just van Rossum]
87. Clarendon [1845 - Benjamin Fox]
88. Triplex [1989 - Zuzana Licko]
89. Benguiat [1989 - Ed Benguiat]
90. Zapf Renaissance [1984 - Hermann Zapf]
91. Filosofia [1996 - Zuzana Licko]
92. Chalet [1996 - House Industries]
93. Quay Sans [1990 - David Quay]
94. Cézanne [1995 - Michael Want, James Grieshaber]
95. Reporter [1938 - Carlos Winkow]
96. Legacy [1992 - Ronald Arnholm]
97. Agenda [1993 - Greg Thompson]
98. Bello [2004 - Underware]
99. Dalliance [2000 - Frank Heine]
100. Mistral [1953 - Roger Excoffon]

Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://uploading.com/files/QWT3RKDT/100Bestwww.dl4all.com.tar.bz2.html
B Fonts - Over 6,900 .ttf Fonts that begin with “B”

Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://rapidshare.com/files/144244072/BbBb.4.part1.rar
181 Famous Font Collection (NEW)

Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://rapidshare.com/files/144588713/181_Famous_Font_Collection__NEW_.rar
Update thêm nài

Pass: www.dl4all.com

Download: 5.7 MB

.ttf Format | 7,550 Fonts | 225 MB

334 Fonts | TTF | 5.04 MB

140 .ttf Fonts by DiviantArt | 4.35 MB

181 Famous Font Collection | 3.15 MB

Graffiti & Dragoon Fontset Fonts Collection | 4.04 MB

.ttf Format | 7,550 Fonts | 225 MB
Link Mediafire đây rồi nè các bạn

Pass: www.dl4all.com
Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.mediafire.com/?fxhzwyptcmj

Code: [ Click here to select All ] http://www.mediafire.com/?bxdyqjujz12
Fonts collection
Dung lượng: 307 Mb
Số lượng: 12.300 Font
Lời khuyên: Bộ sưu tập này làm dạng AutoPlay nên giải nén rất lâu, cách tốt nhất là bạn chỉ nên chạy nó sau đó vào Run - gõ lệnh %temp% , vào thư mục tạm của chương trình (ir_ext_temp) và Copy lại thư mục Docs chứa tất cả các Font để lưu trữ ra nơi khác.
Design Font Collect:
- Dung lượng: 11,64 Mb
- Số lượng: 302 font
Graffiti Fonts:
Dung lượng 6,4Mb
Umbrella Type Selects 1 Library Fonts

Code: [ Click here to select All ] Upload by Jokymoon
Tiếp tục Update!
Decorative Fonts
12 Fonts | TTF and OTF | 5.8 MB

Code: [ Click here to select All ] Upload by TTNDTeam
TOP40 MyFonts.com Collection

40 fonts series - 540 TTF - 17 Mb
01. Adobe-Garamond, 02. Avenir, 03. Bank-Gothic, 04. Boycott, 05. Carpenter, 06. Cezanne-Regular, 07. Chato-Band, 08. Engravers-Gothic, , 09. Eurostile, 10. Frutiger, 11. Futura, 12. Gill-Sans, 13. Grilled-Cheese-Btn, 14. Helvetica, 15. Interstate, 16. Itc-Avant-Garde-Gothic, 17. Itc-Franklin-Gothic, 18. Lamar-Pen, 19. Lassigue-Dmato, 20. Machia, 21. Mrs-Eaves, 22. Myriad, 23. Nat-Vignette, 24. Neue-Helvetica, 25. Optima, 26. P22-Corinthia, 27. P22-Zaner.Jpg, 28. Passions-Conflict, 29. Satisfaction, 30. Shelley-Script, 31. Sloop, 32. Swan-Song, 33. Swiss-721, 34. The-Nauti-Gal, 35. Trade-Gothic, 36. Trajan, , 37. Univers, 38. Water-Brush, 39. Yevida, 40. Zapfino

Code: [ Click here to select All ] Uload by TTNDTeam
[ Click here to select All ] http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=3...15fb47302ee5e8
Pass : www.YoDownload.NET
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