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Schoolhouse Technologies Math Resource Studio

[ 2009-08-26 08:12:25 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
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Schoolhouse Technologies Math Resource Studio
Rapidshare Links | 13.73 MB

Easily create printable math worksheets and activities for the differentiated classroom with this much-anticipated upgrade to Mathematics Worksheet Factory.

Math Resource Studio combines the same ease-of-use that made Mathematics Worksheet Factory a favorite instructional tool of teachers around the world with greatly improved design flexibility. Now you can go beyond single-page, single-concept math worksheets to multi-page, multi-concept math reviews, learning-packs and workbooks almost effortlessly.

Easily create printable math worksheets and activities for the differentiated classroom with this much-anticipated upgrade to Mathematics Worksheet Factory.

Math Resource Studio combines the same ease-of-use that made Mathematics Worksheet Factory a favorite instructional tool of teachers around the world with greatly improved design flexibility. Now you can go beyond single-page, single-concept math worksheets to multi-page, multi-concept math reviews, learning-packs and workbooks almost effortlessly.

Generate printable math worksheets and activities to provide students with the precise skills development and practice they need as part of a differentiated numeracy program.

Math Resource Studio makes it easy to create differentiated activities to support your lesson objectives and target the learning needs of all of your students. Match the varied skill levels in your classroom with the exact practice required to advance those skills to the next level. And do it in seconds.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division? Yes. And a whole lot more. With Math Resource Studio you will be able to generate math worksheet activities to cover a diverse range of math areas including:

* number operations
* number concepts
* algebra
* geometry
* fractions
* numeration
* time
* money
* math puzzles
* ratio and percent
* measurement
* and more


http://rapidshare.com/files/262054111/Schoolhouse.Technologies.Math.Resource.Studio.v4.3 .12.4_BEAN.rar

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