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WindowsCare Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.49 Gở Bỏ những phần mềm đã cài vào máy tính an toàn

[ 2009-08-08 05:48:47 | Tác giả: bvl91 ]
Cỡ chữ: Lớn | Bình thường | Nhỏ

WindowsCare Uninstall Gold v2.0.2.49 6.6Mb

WindowsCare Uninstall Gold là phần mềm chuyên dụng để gỡ bỏ các phần mềm đã cài đặt trên máy tính.

Trong quá trình gỡ bỏ sẽ bao gồm cả quá trình quét các khóa registry , các tệp tin còn sót lại .

Sử dụng phần mềm này sẽ giúp cho quá trình gỡ bỏ được thuận tiện và máy tính rất sạch sau khi gỡ phần mềm.

Uninstall Gold is system software designed to remove remnants of unneeded programs on personal computer. Normally, Uninstall Gold scans personal computer and shows all found files, folders and registry items for users to find the desired programs to uninstall. Unlike other uninstall software, Uninstall Gold can remove unneeded program completely, even the remnants of folders or broken registry keys. It's more convenient, faster and secure for users to clean their computer. Still, Uninstall Gold offers some hotkeys for users to operate easily and fast. Its built-in Startup items make users know more about the programs that are automatically started by Windows.

A: Menu Bar:
• File Menu: contains operations for Uninstall Gold
• View Menu: views can be changed here
• Tools Menu: contains functional tools in Uninstall Gold
• Help Menu: contains use manual, product and company information.

B: Buttons:
• Program List: lead to main interface of Uninstall Gold
• Startup Items: lead to the interface of startup program list
• Uninstall: remove the selected application
• Show Details: show detailed information of selected application
• Refresh: renovate the program list
• Find Next: search the desired software quickly and directly
• Disable All: delete all application showed on the menu
• Delete Entry: disable the desired application
• Apply: start desired applications
• Hide System Patch: tick it to hide all system installed information
• Hide Screen Saver: tick it to hide all screen saver installed information

Uninstall Gold is system software designed to remove remnants of unneeded programs on personal computer. Normally, Uninstall Gold scans personal computer and shows all found files, folders and registry items for users to find the desired programs to uninstall.
Unlike other uninstall software, Uninstall Gold can remove unneeded program completely, even the remnants of folders or broken registry keys. It's more convenient, faster and secure for users to clean their computer. Still, Uninstall Gold offers some hotkeys for users to operate easily and fast. Its built-in Startup items make users know more about the programs that are automatically started by Windows.

A: Menu Bar:
File Menu: contains operations for Uninstall Gold
View Menu: views can be changed here
Tools Menu: contains functional tools in Uninstall Gold
Help Menu: contains use manual, product and company information.

B: Buttons:
Program List: lead to main interface of Uninstall Gold
Startup Items: lead to the interface of startup program list
Uninstall: remove the selected application
Show Details: show detailed information of selected application
Refresh: renovate the program list
Find Next: search the desired software quickly and directly
Disable All: delete all application showed on the menu
Delete Entry: disable the desired application
Apply: start desired applications
Hide System Patch: tick it to hide all system installed information
Hide Screen Saver: tick it to hide all screen saver installed information

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